A comprehensive 96-page, large print perfect-bound book of bass chords. Hundreds of chord forms are shown ranging from basic major, minor and dominant 7th forms and venturing into extensions such as minor 7b5, 7b9, minor 9th and more.
Explanation of Chord Diagrams
C & G
D & A
E & B
G♭/F♯ & D♭
A♭ & E♭
B♭ & F
Cm & Gm
Dm & Am
Em & Bm
G♭m/F♯m & D♭m
A♭m & E♭m
B♭m & Fm
C7 & G7
D7 & A7
E7 & B7
G♭7/F♯7 & D♭7
A♭7 & E♭7
B♭7 & F7
Major Seventh
Cma7 & Gma7
Dma7 & Ama7
Ema7 & Bma7
G♭ma7/F♯ma7 & D♭ma7
A♭ma7 & E♭ma7
B♭ma7 & Fma7
C6 & G6
D6 & A6
E6 & B6
G♭6/F♯6 & D♭6
A♭6 & E♭6
B♭6 & F6
Minor Seventh
Cm7 & Gm7
Dm7 & Am7
Em7 & Bm7
G♭m7/F♯m7 & D♭m7
A♭m7 & E♭m7
B♭m7 & Fm7
Minor Sixth
Cm6 & Gm6
Dm6 & Am6
Em6 & Bm6
G♭m6/F♯m6 & D♭m6
A♭m6 & E♭m6
B♭m6 & Fm6
Minor Major Seven
C-Δ7 & G-Δ7
D-Δ7 & A-Δ7
E-Δ7 & B-Δ7
G♭-Δ7/F♯-Δ7 & D♭-Δ7
A♭-Δ7 & E♭-Δ7
B♭-Δ7 & F-Δ7
Seven Suspended
C7sus & G7sus
D7sus & A7sus
E7sus & B7sus
G♭7sus/F♯7sus & D♭7sus
A♭7sus & E♭7sus.
B♭7sus & F7sus
B♭°, D♭°, E°, G°, B°, D°, F° & A♭°
C°, E♭°, G♭° & A°
G♯+/A♭+, C+, E+, A+, D♭+/C#+ & F+
A♯+/B♭+, D+, F♯+/G♭+, G+, B+ & D♯+/E♭+
Seven Sharp Five
C7♯5 & G7♯5 .
D7♯5 & A7♯5
E7♯5 & B7♯5
G♭7♯5/F♯7♯5 & D♭7♯5
A♭7♯5 & E♭7♯5
B♭7♯5 & F7♯5
Seven Flat Five
C7♯5, G7♯5, D7♯5
A7♯5, E7♯5, B7♯5
G♭7♯5/F♯7♯5, D♭7♯5 & A♭7♯5
E♭7♯5, B♭7♯5 & F7♯5
Minor Seven Flat Five
Cm7♭5, Gm7♭5 & Dm7♭5
Am7♭5, Em7♭5 & Bm7♭5
G♭m7♭5/F♯m7♭5, D♭m7♭5 & A♭m7♭5
E♭m7♭5, B♭m7♭5 & Fm7♭5
C9, G9 & D9
A9, E9 & B9
G♭9/F♯9, D♭9 & A♭9
E♭9, B♭9 & F9
Seven Flat Nine
C7♭9, G7♭9 & D7♭9
A7♭9, E7♭9 & B7♭9
G♭7♭9/F♯7♭9, D♭7♭9 & A♭7♭9
E♭7♭9, B♭7♭9 & F7♭9
Seven Sharp Nine
C7#9, G7#9 & D7#9
A7#9, E7#9 & B7#9
G♭7#9/F♯7#9, D♭7#9 & A♭7#9
E♭7#9, B♭7#9 & F7#9
Major Nine
Cma9, Gma9 & Dma9
Ama9, Ema9 & Bma9
G♭ma9/F♯ma9, D♭ma9 & A♭ma9
E♭ma9, B♭ma9 & Fma9
Minor Nine
Cm9, Gm9 & Dm9
Am9, Em9 & Bm9
G♭m9/F♯m9, D♭m9 & A♭m9
E♭m9, B♭m9 & Fm9
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