The Complete Book of Shred Guitar - El Libro Completo de Guitarra Shred (eBook + Online Audio)

The Complete Book of Shred Guitar focuses on the technical aspects of playing the electric guitar in the shred style. As the guitar plays such an important role in metal, neoclassical and hard rock, much is demanded of lead guitarists. Having precise and effective technique is paramount, and usually the result of disciplined practice and critical listening over a period of years. With this method, however, you will achieve noticeable results within a relatively ...more

Product Number:
eBook + Online Audio
Skill Level:
Notation Type:
Standard Notation and Tab
Mel Bay Publications, Inc.
Date Published:

The Complete Book of Shred Guitar focuses on the technical aspects of playing the electric guitar in the shred style. As the guitar plays such an important role in metal, neoclassical and hard rock, much is demanded of lead guitarists. Having precise and effective technique is paramount, and usually the result of disciplined practice and critical listening over a period of years. With this method, however, you will achieve noticeable results within a relatively short period.

Includes: alternate and sweep picking, tapping and pedal point technique, scales and chord progressions, bending, vibrato and legato techniques, all types of harmonics, the volume swell technique, use of the whammy bar and effects pedals, 120 downloadable examples plus a bonus track, and much more.

This volume is a technical tour de force and clearly one of Mel Bay’s most advanced rock guitar books. The author, Pablo Pescatore of Buenos Aires, Argentina, is a virtuoso, conservatory-educated guitarist, well-versed in music theory and sight singing; he has written several books on learning styles, recorded numerous projects and taught electric and classical guitar technique for more than 20 years.

The book’s 120 online audio examples are recorded at two speeds: blazing, jaw-dropping fast and then slowly, at half speed for student play-along. Throughout, the author assures the reader that all things are possible with diligent practice.


El libro completo de la guitarra shred se centra en los aspectos técnicos de tocar la guitarra eléctrica en el estilo shred. Como la guitarra juega un papel tan importante en el metal, el neoclásico y el rock duro, se exige mucho a los guitarristas principales. Tener una técnica precisa y efectiva es primordial, y generalmente es el resultado de una práctica disciplinada y una escucha crítica durante años. Sin embargo, con este método, logrará resultados notables en un período relativamente corto.

Incluye: púa alternada y barrido de púa, técnicas de tapping y nota pedal; escalas y progresiones, armónicos de todos los tipos, técnicas de ligado y swell de volumen; uso de la palanca de vibrato y pedales de efectos, 120 ejemplos de audio plus un bonus track, y mucho más.

Este volumen es una gran proeza técnica y claramente uno de los libros de guitarra rock más avanzados de Mel Bay. El autor- Pablo Pescatore de Buenos Aires, Argentina- es un virtuoso guitarrista educado en el conservatorio, experto en teoría musical y solfeo; ha escrito varios libros sobre estilos de aprendizaje, grabado numerosos proyectos y ha enseñado técnicas de guitarra clásica y eléctrica durante más de 20 años.

Los 120 ejemplos de audio estan grabados en dos velocidades: deslumbrante, asombroso rapido y luego, lentamente a media velocidad para la practica de estudiantes. En todo momento, el autor asegura al lector que todo es posible con una práctica diligente.

About the Author/Acerca del autor
Using the Pick/El Uso de la púa
Left-Hand Position/Posición de la mano izquierda
Chapter/Capitulo 1: Alternate Picking/Púa alternada
Chapter/Capitulo 2: Sweep Picking/Barrido de púa
Chapter/Capitulo 3: Tapping Technique/Técnica de tapping
Chapter/Capitulo 4: Techniques of Expression and Sound Effects/Técnicas de expresión y Efectos de sonido
Audio Sample 1
Audio Sample 2
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