Ryan's Mammoth Collection of Fiddle Tunes (eBook)
1050 Reels and Jigs, and How to Play Them
This comprehensive book is a facsimile edition of the original collection published in 1883. It has survived over the years because it is one of the richest and most interesting of the 19th century instrumental collections as well as a resource for students of American vernacular music. Examining the cultural exchange between minstrel show, ethnic music and even classical music influenced some of the genres of what we now call American music. "Ryan's Mammoth Collection" con ...more
Product Number:
Skill Level:
Multiple Levels
Notation Type:
Standard Notation
Mel Bay Publications, Inc.
Date Published:
This comprehensive book is a facsimile edition of the original collection published in 1883. It has survived over the years because it is one of the richest and most interesting of the 19th century instrumental collections as well as a resource for students of American vernacular music. Examining the cultural exchange between minstrel show, ethnic music and even classical music influenced some of the genres of what we now call American music. "Ryan's Mammoth Collection" contains a significant number of reels, jigs, hornpipes, clogs, walk-arounds, essences, strathspeys, highland flings, and contradances that are still played by both traditional and professional fiddlers. A special section containing historical notes and comments is included.
'Neath The Moonlight - Reel      
42d Highland Regiment - Strathspey      
7th Regiment - Reel       Conn. Higgins
A Drop Of Whiskey - Jig      
A'willie, We Have Miss'd You - Strathspey      
Abitha Muggins' Favorite - Reel      
Acacia - Reel      
Acrobat's - Hornpipe       As Performed By G.L. Tracy
Admirals' Hornpipe      
After The Hare - Reel      
Albemarle - Hornpipe      
Aldridge's - Hornpipe      
Alistair Maclalastair - Strathspey      
All Aboard - Reel      
All The Go - Reel      
All The Rage - Reel      
All The Way To Galway - Reel      
Ally Croacker's Favorite - Reel      
Almack's Hornpipe      
Amateur Hornpipe       J. Hand
Amazon Hornpipe      
American Hornpipe      
American Rifle Team - Hornpipe       Edwin Christie
Andrew Carey's Jig      
Annie Hughes' Jig       Eddie Fox
Apollo Club - Hornpipe      
Arbana Reel      
Ariel Hornpipe      
Arkansas Traveller - Reel      
Army And Navy Reel      
Around The World - Reel      
Aspinwall - Hornpipe      
Atlanta - Hornpipe      
Autograph - Hornpipe      
Avalanche (Lancashire) - Clog       F.A. Morrison
Babbit's Hornpipe      
Balkan Hornpipe       Hayes
Ball And Pin Hornpipe      
Bamford Hornpipe      
Banjo Reel      
Banks Of Lock-Ness - Strathspey      
Bannocks' O' Barley Meal - Jig      
Barney Brallagan's Jig      
Barney's Goat Jig      
Beautiful Swanee River - Hornpipe       Harry Carleton
Beaux Of Oak Hill Reel      
Because He Was A Bonnie Lad - Reel      
Bee's Wings Hornpipe      
Beebe's Hornpipe      
Bella Union Reel       R. Tyson
Belle Of Boston - Reel       Edwin Christie
Belle Of Claremont - Hornpipe      
Belle Of The Ball - Hornpipe      
Belle Of The Kitchen - Jig      
Belle Of The Stage (Lancashire) - Clog       Edwin Christie
Belles Of Campbelltown Strathspey, Aka Lady Lomon'      
Belles Of Edinboro' Highland Fling      
Belles Of Lewiston - Reel      
Belles Of Omaha - Reel      
Belles Of South Boston - Hornpipe      
Belles Of Tipperary - Reel      
Belvidere Hornpipe      
Ben Butler's Reel      
Bennett's Favorite Reel      
Bernado's Favorite (Lancashire) Clog      
Best Shot Hornpipe      
Betty Pringle's Pig Reel       Niel Gow
Billy O'rourke's Jig      
Billy Patterson's Favorite Jig      
Billy The Barber Shaved His Father Jig      
Billy, The Kid's Jig      
Bird On The Wing Jig      
Birmingham Hornpipe      
Black Sheep Jig       Dick Myers
Blackberry Blossom Reel      
Blackwater Reel      
Blanchard's Hornpipe      
Blind Norry's Reel      
Bliven's Favorite Jig      
Blodgett's Reel      
Blue Bird Reel      
Blue Stocking Clog      
Blue Violet Clog      
Blue-Eyed Lassie Reel      
Bluff Reel       G. L. Tracy
Bob Chadduck's Jig      
Bob Taylor's Clog      
Bobbing For Eels Jig       C. Knowlton
Bonanza Hornpipe      
Bonnie Annie Clog      
Bonnie Kate's Reel      
Bonnie Lassie Strathspey      
Bonniest Lass In Ayer Strathspey      
Boston Caledonian Club's Jig       Edwin Christie
Boston Rattlers' Reel      
Boy In The Gap Reel      
Boyle O'reilly's Reel      
Boys In Blue Reel      
Braes Of Auchentyre Reel      
Braes Of Dumblane Reel      
Brazen Mask Reel      
Brick-Layers' Hornpipe      
Bride Of Kildare Reel      
Brightest Eyes' Reel      
Brisk Young Lad's Jig       Tom Doyle
Brooklyn Lasses Reel      
Brookside Hornpipe      
Buckley's Favorite Reel      
Buckley's Hornpipe       Fred Buckley
Buena Vista Hornpipe      
Bull-Dozer Reel       Edwin Christie
Bully For You - Jig      
Bunch Of Roses Reel      
Bundle And Go Jig      
Burn's Irish Hornpipe      
Butter-Milk And Pratees Jig       Tom Doyle
Butter-Milk Mary's Jig      
Byrne's Favorite Hornpipe      
Cale Smith's Pastime Reel      
Caledonian Club Strathspey       Edwin Christie
Caledonian Hunt Strathspey      
Caledonian Laddie Hornpipe      
California Hornpipe      
California Reel       Frank Livingston
Calisthenic Hornpipe      
Cameron's Favorite (Lancashire) Clog      
Cameronian Reel      
Camp Meeting Hornpipe       Harry Carleton
Camp Meeting Jig       Dan Emmett
Camp-Meeting Jig No. 2      
Cape Cod Reel      
Captain Holmes' Jig      
Captain Kelley's Reel      
Carmichael's Strathspey      
Carnival Hornpipe      
Castle Garden Jig       Harry Carleton
Castle Hornpipe       King Colbath
Castles In The Air Jig      
Cat In The Hopper Jig      
Catch Club Jig      
Catholic Bill's Jig      
Catholic Boys' Jig      
Celebrated Stop Hornpipe      
Centennial Hornpipe       As Performed By R. Tyson
Champion Hornpipe       As Performed By J. Hand
Chandler's Hornpipe      
Charming Katy's Reel      
Charming Mollie's Reel      
Charter Oak Reel       Zeke Backus
Cheese It! - Reel      
Cherish The Ladies Jig      
Chorus Jig      
Christmas Hornpipe      
Cincinnati (Lancashire) Clog       Frank Livingston
Cincinnati Hornpipe      
City Life Clog      
City Of Savannah Hornpipe       Frank Livingston
Clear The Track Hornpipe      
Clemen's Reel      
Close To The Floor Jig       J. Hand
Clyde-Side Lassies Reel      
Col. Mcbain's Reel      
Colberth's Hornpipe      
College Hornpipe      
Columbia Hornpipe      
Come To The Raffle Jig       Jas. Hand
Come To Your Tay Reel      
Come Under My Dimity Jig      
Come Under My Pladdie Jig      
Come, Till The Bottle-House Reel      
Congress Park Reel      
Connaught Lass'es Reel      
Connaught-Man's Ramble Jig      
Connelly's Ale Jig      
Connemara's Pet Reel      
Constitution Hornpipe      
Copenhagen Hornpipe      
Coquette Hornpipe      
Corinthian Hornpipe      
Corkonian Reel      
Corporal Casey's Fancy Reel      
Cosmopolitan Hornpipe       J. Hand
Crabs In The Skillet Jig      
Croppies, Lie Down Jig      
Cross Road Reel      
Croton Hornpipe      
Cuckoo Hornpipe      
Cupid's Frolic - Hornpipe      
Cupido Hornpipe      
Curt Lawrence's Hornpipe      
Czar Of Russia's Favorite Hornpipe      
Daffy, Don't You Reel      
Dan Backus' Favorite Reel      
Dandy Mike's Reel      
Danish Hornpipe      
Dar's Sugar In De Gourd Jig       James Buckley
Dark Haired Lass Reel      
Days Of 'Lang Syne Jig      
De Golyer Hornpipe       Garfield
Deer-Foot Hornpipe      
Defiance Hornpipe       As Performed By R. Tison
Delaware Hornpipe      
Democratic Hornpipe      
Democratic Rage Hornpipe      
Derby Hornpipe      
Devine's Hornpipe      
Dew-Drop Hornpipe      
Diamond Reel      
Dick Carrol's Clog      
Dick Sand's Hornpipe      
Dickie Rogers' Pedestal Clog      
Dimen Dru Deelish Reel      
Distant Greeting Reel       B.F. Dietrich
Dominion Reel      
Domino Highland Fling      
Donegall Boys' Reel      
Douglas' Favorite Hornpipe      
Downfall Of Water Street Jig      
Dublin Lasses Reel      
Duchess Of Athol's Strathspey      
Duncan Davidson Strathspey      
Dundee Hornpipe      
Durang's Hornpipe      
Dusty Bob's Jig      
Duxbury Hornpipe       N. Sampson
Early Morn (Lancashire) Clog       Edwin Christie
Ebb Tide Hornpipe      
Echoes From The Forest Garden Reel      
Eclipse Highland Fling      
Eclipse Hornpipe      
Eileen Alanna Reel      
Electric Hornpipe       G.L. Tracy
Elk's Festival Hornpipe      
Emigrant's Reel      
Emon Acnuck Jig      
Empress Clog      
Erie Hornpipe      
Essence Of Cinnamon Seed      
Essence Of Old Kentucky      
Essence Of Old Virginny      
Essence Of Sugar Cane      
Eureka Hornpipe      
Evansville Reel      
Evergreen Lasses Reel      
Every-Body's Hornpipe      
Excelsior Hornpipe      
Exile's Lament Jig      
Eyes Right Reel      
Fagan And Fenton's Clog       J. Braham
Fagin's Holiday Jig      
Fantastic Hornpipe      
Farewell To Erin Reel      
Farewell, Sweet Nora Jig       Tom Doyle
Farrell O'gara's Favorite Reel      
Fasten The Wig On Her Jig      
Favorite Hornpipe      
Ferry Bridge Hornpipe       As Performed By J. Hand
Fife Hunt Reel      
Fight About The Fireside Reel      
Fijiyama Hornpipe      
Fill Up The Bowl Reel      
Fire Him Out - Reel      
Fire-Fly Reel      
First Flirtation Fling      
First Night In Leadville Reel      
Fisher's Hornpipe      
Fishermans' Frolic (Lancashire) Clog      
Five Leaved Clover Reel      
Flaming O'flanigan's Jig      
Flat Foot Reel      
Flee As A Bird (Lancashire) Clog      
Fletcher's Delight Reel      
Fling-Dang Reel       H.F. Williams
Flip Mcgilder's Reel      
Flirtation Reel      
Flockton's Hornpipe      
Flogging Reel      
Florida Crackers' Hornpipe       Frank Livingston
Flowers Of Cahirciveen Reel      
Flowers Of Edinburg Reel      
Flowers Of Limerick Reel      
Flowers Of Michigan Reel      
Flowers Of St. Petersburg Reel      
Fly By Night (Lancashire) Clog      
Forest Flower Highland Fling      
Forget Me Not Reel      
Fox Hunters' Jig      
Foxie Marie Reel      
Frazer's Jig      
Fred Wilson's Hornpipe      
Frogs' Frolic Jig      
From Night Till Morn Reel      
From Shore To Shore Reel      
Game Cock Reel      
Garry Owen Jig      
Garthland's Strathspey      
Geese In The Bog Jig      
Gem Of Ireland Reel      
Gen Longstreet's Reel       Frank Livingston
Gen. Sheridan's Reel       Harry Carleton
Georgia Crackers - Hornpipe       Frank Livingston
Get On De Train - Jig       Frank Livingston
Gladiator Reel       G.L. Tracy
Globe Hornpipe      
Globe-Trotter Hornpipe      
Go As You Please Hornpipe       As Performed By G.L. Tracy
Go To The Devil And Shake Yourself Jig      
Golden Eagle Hornpipe      
Golden Gate - Reel       Frank Livingston
Golden Tresses Hornpipe      
Golden Wedding Hornpipe      
Golden Wreath Hornpipe      
Golliher's Frolic Jig      
Good For The Tongue Hornpipe      
Good Morrow To Your Night-Cap Jig      
Good-Bye, Sweetheart Reel      
Grape-Vine Twist Jig      
Gray's Opera House Clog      
Great Eastern - Reel       Clem Titus
Great Western (Lancashire) Clog      
Green Fields Of America Reel      
Green Groves Of Erin Reel      
Green Grow The Rushes O Reel      
Green Hills Of Tyrol Reel      
Green Trees Of Athol Reel      
Greensleeves Jig      
Greeting To Ireland Reel      
H-' On The Wabash Jig      
Hand Organ Hornpipe      
Hang Fire Jig      
Happy To Meet, Sorry To Part Jig      
Hare In The Corn Jig      
Harlequin Hornpipe      
Harrington's Hall Jig      
Harrison's Celebrated Reel      
Harry Bloodgood's Famous Jig      
Haste To The Wedding Jig      
Henrietta Hornpipe      
Here And There Hornpipe       J.A. Brown
Here Awa' Highland Fling      
Hewitson's Hornpipe      
Hey, Ca'thro' Jig      
Hiawatha Hornpipe      
Hibernia's Pride Reel      
Highland Hornpipe      
Highland Skip Reel      
Highway To Dublin Jig      
Hills Of Glenurchie Jig      
Hippodrome Reel       G.L. Tracy
Hit Or Miss Reel      
Hobb's Favorite Reel      
Hobble The Boutches Reel      
Hole In The Wall Jig      
Holmes' Hornpipe      
Honeymoon Reel      
Hoop-De-Doo-Den-Doo Jig      
Hop Jig      
Hopkin's Hornpipe      
Hough's Favorite Reel      
Howard Reel      
Hull's Victory Hornpipe      
Humors Of Castle Lyon Jig      
Humors Of Tufts Street Reel      
Humour Of Glen Jig      
Humours Of Boston Hornpipe      
Humours Of Rockstown Reel      
Humphrey's Hornpipe      
Hunt The Fox Jig      
Hunting The Hare Jig      
Huntsmans' Hornpipe 137      
I'll Cloot My Johnny's Gery Breecks Strathspey      
I'm O'er Young To Marry Yet Strathspey      
I'm Over Young To Marry Yet Reel      
Idlewild Jig      
Idyl Hornpipe      
Indeed! Then You Shant - Jig      
Indian River Hornpipe       Frank Livingston
Indy's Favorite Reel      
Inimitable Reel       As Performed By E. Christie
Inman Line Reel       H.F. Williams
Irish American Jig       Frank Livingston
Irish Hornpipe      
Irish Show Boy Jig      
Irish Washerwoman Jig      
Irish-American Reel      
Irishman's Heart To The Ladies Jig      
Is It The Priest You Want? - Jig      
Ivy Leaf Reel       Zeke Backus
Jabe Meadow Hornpipe      
Jack On The Green Jig      
Jack Smith's Favorite Reel      
Jack's Alive Hornpipe      
Jackson's Bottle Of Brandy Jig      
Jackson's Fancy Jig      
Jackson's Morning Brush Jig      
Jackson's Rolling Jig      
James Lee's Favorite Jig      
Jarnoviches' Strathspey      
Jaunting-Car Hornpipe       J. Hand
Jennings' Champion Clog      
Jenny Danged The Weaver Reel      
Jenny Nettle's Fancy Reel      
Jenny's Baby Reel      
Jenny's Wedding Reel      
Jersey Lightning Jig      
Jim Clark's Hornpipe      
Jimmy Holmes' Favorite Reel      
Jimmy Linn's Hornpipe       J.L.
Jinrikisha Hornpipe      
Jock Tamson's Hornpipe      
Joe Kennedy's Jig      
Joe Tanzy's Reel      
Johnnie Queen's Clog      
Johnny Hand's Jig       J. H.
Johnny's Gone To France Reel      
Judy Maley's Reel      
Judy Mcfadden's Jig      
Judy's Reel      
Juniata Hornpipe Hornpipe      
Kantschukoff Reel      
Katy Is Waiting Jig       Jas. Hand
Katy's Rambles Jig      
Kelton's Reel, Aka Pig Town Fling      
Kenmure's On And Awa' Jig      
Key-West Hornpipe      
Kiley's Reel      
Kilkenny Boys' Reel      
Kilkenny Rover's Jig      
Kilwinning's Steeple Reel      
King-Pin Jig      
Kiss Me, Joe Reel      
Kiss The Bride Reel      
Kitty Clover's Reel      
Kitty Clyde's Reel      
Kitty In The Lane Reel      
Kitty O'neil's Champion Jig      
Kitty Of Oulart Jig      
Kitty Sharpe's Champion Jig      
Kitty Tirrell's Jig      
Ladies' Pandeletts Reel      
Lady Ami Stewart's Strathspey      
Lady Baird's Strathspey      
Lady Belhaven's Reel      
Lady Cawdor's Jig      
Lady Charlotte Of Braid's Strathspey      
Lady Edmonton's Reel      
Lady Elgin's Courtship Reel      
Lady Elgin's Strathspey      
Lady Forbe's Reel      
Lady Garnder's Reel      
Lady Harriet's Reel      
Lady Jane Gray's Reel      
Lady Louden's Strathspey      
Lady Mary Ramsay's Strathspey      
Lady Montgomery's Reel      
Lady Templeton's Clog      
Lafrican's Jig      
Lamp-Lighter's Hornpipe      
Lamson's Hornpipe      
Land League Jig       Parnell
Land League Reel       Tom Doyle
Land Of Sweet Erin Jig      
Lanigan's Ball Jig      
Lardners' Reel      
Lark In The Morning Jig      
Larry Downs' Reel      
Larry Grogan's Jig      
Larry O'gaff Jig      
Larry O'niel's Clog      
Last Night's Fun Reel      
Laven's Favorite Reel      
Le Petre's Hornpipe      
League And Slasher Reel      
Leap Year Reel      
Leather The Wig Jig      
Lee's Double Clog      
Let's Be Gay Reel      
Levantine's Barrel Reel      
Leviathan Hornpipe      
Light And Airy Jig      
Lillibullero, Or Protestant Boys'      
Limber Up - Reel      
Limerick Jig      
Limerick Lasses Jig      
Lincoln's Hornpipe      
Little Brown Jug Jig       Jas. Hand
Little Diamond Jig      
Little Duke's Reel      
Little House Round The Corner Jig       J. Hand
Little House Under The Hill Jig      
Little Peggy's Jig      
Liverpool Hornpipe      
Liverpool Jack's Reel      
Loch Eroch Side Strathspey      
Loch-Na Gar Strathspey      
Locker's Hornpipe      
London Hornpipe      
Look Before You! Strathspey      
Looney Mctwolter Jig      
Lord Alexander Gordon's Strathspey      
Lord Byron's Favorite Strathspey      
Lord Dalhousie's Reel      
Lord Gordon's Reel      
Lord James Murray's Reel      
Lord John Campbell's Strathspey      
Lord Moira's Highland Fling      
Lord Moria's Hornpipe, Aka Ladie's Hornpipe      
Lotta's Favorite Jig       Edwin Christie
Lotus Club (Lancashire) Clog      
Louisville Clog       Frank Livingston
Love-Links' Jig      
Luckie Bawdins' Reel      
Lucy Campbell's Reel      
Madame Del Caro's Hornpipe      
Maggie Brown's Favorite Jig      
Maggie Picking Cockels Reel      
Magnolia Reel      
Maguinnis' Delight Reel      
Maid In The Pump-Room Hornpipe      
Maid Marian Hornpipe      
Maid Of Athens Reel      
Maid Of Isla Strathspey      
Maid Of Selma Jig      
Maid On The Green Jig      
Maloney's Fancy Jig      
Manchester Reel       Zeke Backus
Manhattan Hornpipe      
Marchioness Of Huntly's Strathspey      
Mardi Gras Reel      
Margery's Favorite Reel      
Marquis Hansley's Reel      
Marquis Of Bowmont Reel      
Marquis Of Huntley's Highland Fling      
Marquis Of Huntley's Strathspeys      
Marshall Hill's Hornpipe      
Mason's Apron Reel      
Massasoit Hornpipe      
May-Pole Reel      
Mazeppa Hornpipe      
Mcdonald's Reel      
Merry Lads Of Ayer Reel      
Merry Night At Tumble Brig Reel      
Mill-Town Maid Reel      
Miller's Reel       Zeke Backus
Mineapolis Hornpipe      
Minnie Foster's Clog      
Minstrels' Fancy Clog      
Miss Barker's Hornpipe      
Miss Brown's Reel      
Miss Campbell's Reel      
Miss Corbett's Reel      
Miss Daly's Jig      
Miss Daly's Reel      
Miss Drummond Of Perth Strathspey      
Miss Gay's Reel      
Miss Gunning's Fancy Reel      
Miss Horgan's Reel      
Miss Jess. Watson's Hornpipe      
Miss Johnson's Hornpipe      
Miss Johnston's Reel      
Miss Kelly's Reel      
Miss Mccloud's Reel      
Miss Mcdonald's      
Miss Mountan's Hornpipe      
Miss Plaudy's Reel      
Miss Stuart's Strathspey      
Miss Warrender Of Lochend Strathspey      
Mississippi Hornpipe       Frank Livingston
Moll In The Wad Jig      
Moll Roe In The Morning Jig      
Moll Roe's Jig      
Moll Shurkie's Jig      
Molly Bawn's Reel      
Molly Mcguire's Reel      
Money In Advance - Clog      
Money Musk Reel      
Money Musk Strathspey      
Monogram Hornpipe      
Morgan Rattler Jig      
Morning Fair Hornpipe      
Morpeth's Hornpipe      
Morton's Reel      
Mount Your Baggage Jig      
Mountain Ranger Hornpipe      
Mountain Reel      
Mr. James Mcnicol's Strathspey      
Mr. Worthland's Strathspey      
Mrs. Adye's Strathspey      
Mrs. Hogan's Goose Jig       J. Hand
Mrs. Kinloch's Reel      
Mrs. Monroe's Jig      
Mugby Jim's Highland Fling      
Muldoon's Favorite Reel      
Mullin's Favorite Reel      
Muncie's Favorite (Lancashire) Clog      
My Bonnie Laddie Highland Fling      
My Lady's Goon Has Gairs On't Strathspey      
My Love Is Far Away Reel      
My Love Is In America Reel      
My Love Is Like The Red, Red Rose Strathspey      
My Love Is On The Ocean Reel      
My Pretty, Fair Maid Jig      
Myopia Hornpipe      
Mysteries Of Knock Jig      
Nagle's Last Jig       R.B. Nagle
Napolean Hornpipe      
National Guards' Hornpipe       As Performed By J. Hand
National Hornpipe      
National Lancers' Hornpipe       Harry Carleton
Neal Gow's Wife Strathspey      
Neapolitan Threshers' Jig      
Ned Kendall's Favorite Reel      
Ned Kendall's Hornpipe      
Nelson's Victory Hornpipe      
New Bedford Reel      
New Boston Sicillian Circle      
New Century Hornpipe      
New Line Reel      
New Orleans (Lancashire) Clog      
New Policeman's Reel      
New Wedding Reel      
New York Reel      
News Boys' Hornpipe      
Niagara Hornpipe      
Nicodemus Johnson's Reel      
Niel Gow's Reel      
In De Wood Pile Jig      
Night Of The Fair Jig       H. Carey
Nightingale Clog      
Nimble Finger's Reel      
Nora Creina's Jig      
Norfolk Hornpipe       W.H. Whiddon
North End Reel       J. Hand
North Star Hornpipe      
Norton's Favorite Hornpipe      
Novelty (Lancashire) Clog       F.A. Morrison
Nymrod Hornpipe       G.L. Tracy
O'connell's Welcome Jig      
Oakland Garden Jig       Edwin Christie
Obelisk Hornpipe      
Occidental Hornpipe      
Oe'r The Moor, Among The Heather Strathspey      
Of Aw The Airts The Winds Can Blow Strathspey      
Off She Goes Jig      
Off To Donnybrook Jig      
Oh, Gang With Me To Yon Town Reel      
Old Bachelors' Reel      
Old Figary O' Jig      
Old Granite State Reel       O. Densmore
Old Ironsides (Lancashire) Clog      
Old Joe Sife's Reel      
Old Maids Of Galway Reel      
Old Mother Goose Jig      
Old National Theatre Jig      
Old Sport Reel      
Old Tanglefoot Hornpipe      
Old Temple House Reel      
Old Walls Of Liscarroll Jig      
Old Zip Coon Reel      
Olive-Branch Hornpipe      
Olympic Hornpipe      
On The Road - Clog      
Once Upon My Cheek Reel      
One Bottle More Jig      
Opera Reel      
Oriental Hornpipe      
Ostinelli's Reel      
Our Boys' Jig      
Our Boys' Reel      
Over Land And Sea Jig       J. Hand
Owny's Best Jig      
Oyster River Hornpipe      
Pacific Slope Reel      
Paddy Carrey's Fortune Jig      
Paddy Handly's Goose Reel      
Paddy Mcfadden's Reel      
Paddy Miles' Fricassee Reel      
Paddy O'carrol's Jig       J. Oswald
Paddy O'rafferty's Jig      
Paddy On The Railroad Reel      
Paddy On The Turnpike Reel      
Paddy The Piper Reel      
Paddy Was Up To Ganger Jig      
Paddy Whack Jig      
Paddy's Farewell To America Jig       Tom Doyle
Paddy's The Boy - Jig      
Paddy, Now Wont You Be Easy? Jig      
Paine's Reel      
Palermo Hornpipe      
Palmetto Hornpipe      
Pandeen O'rafferty Jig      
Pander Dance Jig      
Pantomime Reel      
Parasott Hornpipe      
Parnell And Ireland Jig       Tom Doyle
Parnell's Reel      
Parry's Hornpipe      
Passaic Hornpipe      
Passion-Flower Hornpipe      
Pat Carney's Reel      
Pat In His Glory Jig      
Pea Patch Jig       Dan Emmett
Peach-Blossom Hornpipe      
Peasants' Dance Hornpipe      
Peelers Jacket Reel      
Peep O' Day Reel       Neil Gow
Peerless Hornpipe      
Peggy Whiffle's Reel      
Peter Street Reel      
Phil Issac's Jig      
Picnic Reel      
Pigeon On The Gate Reel      
Pink Eyed Lassie Reel      
Polo Reel       J. Oswald
Pomona Hornpipe      
Pop Goes The Weasel      
Poppy Leaf Hornpipe      
Portsmouth Hornpipe      
Post Horn Reel       Frank Livingston
Pothouge Jig      
Praties Are Dug, And The Frost Is All Over Jig      
President Garfield's Hornpipe       Harry Carleton
President Grant's Hornpipe       Harry Carleton
Pretty Jane's Reel      
Pride Of The Ball Reel      
Pride Of The Stage Fling      
Prima Donna Hornpipe      
Prince Albert's Hornpipe      
Prince Charles' Jig      
Prince Regent's Hornpipe      
Princess Hornpipe      
Pulaski Guards Reel      
Pull Down Your Vest Reel      
Push About The Jorum Strathspey      
Pushee's Hornpipe      
Puss In The Corner Jig      
Queen Of Club's Reel      
Queen Of The West Hornpipe       Zeke Backus
Queen's Guards Reel      
Queenie's Own Reel       Snow
Quindaro Hornpipe      
Racketty Jack's Reel      
Rakes Of Kildare Jig      
Randall's Hornpipe      
Rat-Catcher's Reel      
Rathkeale Hunt Reel      
Rattle The Bottles Reel      
Rattle The Cash Jig      
Re-Union Reel      
Recreation Reel       Frank Livingston
Red Cross Hornpipe      
Red Lion Hornpipe      
Red Stockings Jig      
Reed's Favorite Reel      
Reilly's Reel      
Remembrance Of Dublin Clog      
Repeal Of The Union Reel      
Rialto Hornpipe       As Performed By G.L. Tracy
Ricker's Hornpipe      
Rickett's Hornpipe      
Ride A Mile Jig      
Riding On A Hand-Car Jig      
Riley's Favorite Reel      
Rising Sun Reel      
Roaring Willie's Jig      
Rocky Road To Dublin Jig      
Rolling Off A Log Jig      
Root, Hog, Or Die Jig      
Rory O'more Jig      
Rose Of The Valley Reel      
Rose-Bud, Aka Mountain Ranger Hornpipe      
Rose-Bush Jig      
Ross' Reel       Zeke Backus
Rough Diamond Jig      
Roy's Wife Highland Fling      
Roy's Wife Of Aldivalloch      
Roy's Wife Strathspey       As Performed By Niel Gow
Rub The Bag Jig      
Rum And Onions Jig      
Rustic Reel      
Saddle The Pony Jig      
Salamanca Reel      
Salem Hornpipe       P.S. Gilmore
Sally Growler - Hornpipe       Harry Carleton
Sam. Hide's Jig      
Sandy Buchanan's Strathspey      
Sans Souci Hornpipe       G.L. Tracy
Saratoga Hornpipe      
Saratoga Reel      
Scotch Hornpipe      
Scottisch American Highland Fling      
Sebastapol Hornpipe      
Sentinel Hornpipe      
Seven Up - Reel      
Shaw's Reel      
Shee La Na Quira Jig      
Sheriff Muldoon's Jig       J. Hand
Shins Around The Fireside Jig      
Shippen Street Land - Lady's Reel      
Ships Are Sailing Reel      
Short Grass Jig      
Shuffle And Cut Jig      
Shuffle Reel      
Shunster's Hornpipe      
Silver Cluster Reel      
Silver Star Hornpipe      
Sink Him, Doddie Highland Fling      
Sir George Clark's Strathspey      
Sir Roger De Coverly Jig      
Skin The Peeler Jig      
Skip-Rope Clog      
Skiver The Quilt Jig      
Sleeping On A Door-Step Jig       Conn. Regan
Sleepy Maggy Reel      
Smash The Windows Jig      
Smash The Windows Reel      
Smith's Delight      
Smith's Hornpipe      
Smith's Reel      
Snow-Flake Hornpipe      
Soldiers' Joy      
Souvenir (Lancashire) Clog       B.F. Dietrich
Souvenir De Venice Hornpipe       L. Ostinelli
Speed The Plough Reel      
Spirit If 1881 Hornpipe      
Spirit Of 1880 Reel      
Spirits Of Whisky Jig      
Spirvin's Fancy Reel      
Spit-Fire Reel      
St Clair's Hornpipe      
St. Botolph Hornpipe      
St. Elmo Hornpipe      
St. Patrick's Day In The Morning Jig      
St. Pierre Hornpipe      
Star Of The East Hornpipe      
Staten Island Hornpipe      
Statue Clog      
Steamboat Hornpipe      
Steeple Chase Reel      
Strathearn Strathsepy, Aka Among The Haughs Of Cre      
Strop The Razor Jig      
Sukey Bids Me Reel      
Sumner's Hornpipe      
Sunday Is My Wedding-Day Jig      
Swallow Sloop Of War Reel      
Swallow-Tail Jig      
Sweet Ellen, Aka Figure Eight      
Swimming In The Gutter Jig       Conn. Regan
Syntha Reel       Jas. Hand
Tammany Ring Clog      
Tatter Jack Welch Jig      
Tea In The Morning Jig      
Teddy Malos Jig       J. Hand
Teetotal Jig       A. Gunn
Teetotaler's Reel      
Telegraph Hornpipe       Hall
Telephone Hornpipe      
Telephone Reel       As Performed By C.W. Knowlton
Tell Her I Am Jig      
Temperance Reel      
Terence's Ramble Reel      
Terpsichorean - Hornpipe      
Terry Heigh Jig      
Tete-A-Tete Hornpipe       Harry Carleton
Texarkana Hornpipe      
The "Boss" Jig      
The "Good Girl"      
The "Legacy" Jig      
The "Unknown" Reel      
The Alhambra Reel      
The Bag Of Meal Jig      
The Banks Of Enverness Reel      
The Black-Eyed Lassie Reel      
The Blooming Meadows Jig      
The Boatie Rows Strathspey      
The Bonnie Lad Reel      
The Boston Boys' Reel      
The Boston Reel      
The Bottle Of Brandy Jig      
The Boyne Hunt Reel      
The Boys Of Bockhill Jig      
The Braes Of Bushbie Strathspey      
The Bridal Jig      
The Broken Lantern Jig      
The Broken Sixpence Reel      
The Butcher Boy Jig      
The Butchers' March Jig      
The Cock And Hen Jig      
The Cosmopolite Reel      
The Cottage Maids' Fling      
The Countess Of Louden's Reel      
The Cow-Boy's Jig      
The Cup Of Tea Reel      
The Custom House Jig      
The Devil Among The Tailors Reel      
The Devil's Dream Reel      
The Devil's Own Shot Jig      
The Diamond Jig      
The Double Head Jig       R. Nagle
The Drink Of Brandy Jig      
The Drunken Ganger's Jig      
The Dublin Boy's Jig      
The Dusty Miller's Jig      
The Eviction Jig      
The Fairy Dance Reel      
The First Of May Reel      
The Forester's Hornpipe      
The Girl I Left Behind Me      
The Gobby O Jig, Aka Jefferson And Liberty      
The Grand Spy Reel      
The Green Flag Is Flying Reel      
The Green Forever Jig      
The Head-Light Reel       T. Densmore
The Irish Rover's Reel      
The Irishman's Love Reel      
The Jolly Clam-Digger's Reel      
The Jolly Pedler's Jig      
The Jolly Seven Reel      
The Jolly Tinker's Reel      
The Joys Of Wedlock Jig      
The Keel-Row Reel, Aka Twin Sisters      
The Ladies' Delight Reel      
The Ladus Reel      
The Lass With The Yellow Coatee Strathspey      
The Lavender Girl Reel      
The Limerick Lass Jig      
The London Lasses Reel      
The Magic Slipper Reel      
The Maid Of Argyle's Reel      
The Maid's Complaint Jig      
The Market Girl's Jig       J. Sullivan
The Masons' Cap Reel      
The Miller Of Drone Strathspey      
The Miller's Maid Reel      
The Monarch Clog      
The Mountain Sprite Jig       Frank Livingston
The Munster Lass Jig      
The New Brig Of Glasgow Strathspey      
The Night Of Fun Jig      
The Northern Light Reel      
The Old Dutch Churn Jig      
The Oyster Girl's Jig      
The Pausteen Fawn Jig      
The Piper's Lass Reel      
The Pivot Brig Jig      
The Priest In His Boots Jig      
The Primrose Lass Reel      
The Rakes Of Westmeath Jig      
The Rakish Highlander Reel      
The Rambler From Clare Jig      
The Randy Wife Of Greenlaw Reel      
The Rival Reel      
The Rocks Of Cashel Reel      
The Roving Bachelor Reel      
The Rowan Tree Reel      
The Sailor's Ransom Reel      
The Scotch Patriot's Reel      
The Smuggler's Reel      
The Soldier's Cloak Jig      
The Sporting Boy's Jig      
The Tempest      
The Time O' Day Jig      
The Tin-Ware Lass Reel      
The Two And Sixpenny Girl Jig      
The Unfortunate Rake Jig      
The Wedding Ring Reel      
The Whim Of A Moment Jig       R. Nagle
The Wind Up Reel      
The Wink Of Her Eye Jig       J. Hand
The Yorkshire Bite Reel      
Three Little Drummers' Jig      
Three Merry Sisters Reel      
Thunder Hornpipe      
Tibbie Inglis' Fancy Fling      
Tidal Wave Jig       Eddie Fox
Tin Wedding Hornpipe      
Tivoli Jig      
To Cashell I'm Going Jig      
Tom And Jerry Reel      
Tom Brigg's Jig      
Tom Deering's Rambles Reel      
Top Of Cork Road Jig      
Tornado Reel       J. Hand
Trafalgar Hornpipe      
Trip To Galway Jig      
Trip To The Cottage Jig      
Tulloch Reel      
Tullochgorum Reel      
Turnpike Reel      
Twin Katy's Reel      
Two Forty Reel      
Two-Penny Postman's Jig      
Uncle Tom's Best Jig      
Union Hornpipe      
Up And Waur Them A'willie Strathspey      
Vaughn's Favorite Jig      
Velocipede Hornpipe      
Vendome Hornpipe      
Vestri's Hornpipe      
Victoria Hornpipe       As Performed By J. Hand
Village Bells Highland Fling      
Village Bells Hornpipe      
Village Hornpipe      
Vinton's Hornpipe      
Violetta Hornpipe      
Wade Hampton's Hornpipe       Frank Livinston
Wake Up, Susan - Reel      
Walk Around "Hey, Daddy", Aka Norton's Walk Around       Dan Emmett
Walk Around-"Brudder Bones"      
Walk Around-"Carve Dat Possum"      
Walk Around-Carry The News To Mary      
Walk Around-Chaw Roast Beef      
Walk Around-Don't Get Weary      
Walk Around-Gwine To De Show      
Walker Street Reel      
Wee Bit Reel      
Weel May The Keel Row Reel      
Welcome Here Again Reel      
Western Gem Reel      
What The De'il Ails You? Strathspey      
Whiddon's Favorite Reel      
Whiddon's Hornpipe      
Whipple's Hornpipe      
Whiskey And Beer Jig      
White Star Reel      
Wide Awake Reel      
Widow Machree Jig      
Wild Irish Reel       G.L. Tracy
Williams And Sullivan's Jig      
Willott's Hornpipe      
Wind That Shakes The Barley Reel      
Winnick's Favorite Jig      
Witch Of The Wave Reel      
Within A Mile Of Clonbur Reel      
Yacht Club Reel      
Yellow Hair'd Laddie Reel      
Yellow Stockings' Jig      
You Bet - Reel       Jas. Hand
Young America Hornpipe       Pushee
Ypsilanti Hornpipe       Pushee
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300 Gems of Irish Music for All Instruments

Author : by Grey Larsen
Format : eBook
O'Neill's Music of Ireland

Author : coll. & edited by Capt. Francis O'Neill & arranged by James O'Neill
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