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Mel Bay Publications, Inc.
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The contents of this textbook are training exercises and practical examples. The training sections include various combinations and patterns which will help in developing a jazz-like approach. These exercises can be considered as source material for developing your own ad-lib phrases. As for the practical examples, the phrases included here are not taken literally from any particular jazz pianist, but rather embody well known patterns typical of the bebop and post-bebop eras. Aimed at intermediate students to develop their potential of ad-lib solos, but is also good for beginners to train their fingers and ears for the future.
Chapter 1:
Training for Scales and Arpeggios
Variation of Arpeggios
Chromatic Approach for the 7th Scales
Chapter 2:
Example of Phrasing for a Major Chord
Example of Phrasing for a Minor Chord
Chapter 3:
Example of Phrasing for ii-V-1
Major Key
Minor Key
Chapter 4:
Bebop-Like Phrases for Major Chords
Bluesy Phrases
Chapter 5:
Plain Turnaround Using Diatonic Scales
Remaking vi Chord as Dominant 7th Chord (Major)
To Give the Function of Dominant to iim7
Converting iim 7 Chord to II7 Chord (Dominant 7th)
to give the Function of Dominant to V7
Changing the I Chord to III7,
As a Substitute Chord
Progression From Tonic-> Minor 3rd
->4th ->4th -> Half Step Down (Tonic)
Chapter 6:
The Half Whole Diminished Scale
Chapter 7:
Non-Diatonic Scales
Chapter 8:
Left-Hand Voicing Guide
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