eBook FAQ
Q. What Format are your eBooks?
A. eBooks purchased on melbay.com are PDF format
Q. What devices can I use to read my PDF eBook?
A. Most Computers, Tablets, Smartphones and e-Readers (some devices may require a pdf reader such as “adobe acrobat reader” to be installed first)
Q. can I print my PDF eBook?
A. Yes, if your device is connected to a printer.
Q. Does my eBook come with additional media?
A. If it does it will be indicated on the cover and on the title page (the first page after the cover) of your eBook
Q. How do I access the additional media that comes with my eBook?
A. Follow the instructions below:
How to Online Media
To retrieve your Online Media (online audio, online video, online PDF supplement)
Step 1: open your book or eBook to the title page (The first page after the cover)
Step 2: locate the URL that looks like this www.melbay.com/xxxxx (xxxxx refers to or is in place of the code printed on your book or eBook title page.)
(If you are using a mobile device, install a free app like iZip, from your device’s app store, before proceeding so that your mobile device can recognize the download)
Step 3: Enter that URL into the address bar of your internet browser (Indicated by the arrow in image below). The address bar is the space at the top of your browser page that shows the name of the website you are on. Do not use a search, such as google or the search bar on melbay.com.
Step 4: On the page that the URL has directed you to, click the red “Download Extras” button. For video, The YouTube URL will take you to a page where it will begin playing automatically. The other video URL will take you to a page where you can download the video using the blue link. (Please note: downloading the video takes longer and uses up storage space on your device)
(If you are using a mobile device it may look like nothing is happening, but it is downloading. When the download finishes, an “Open In” button will appear. Click the “Open In” button to open and save the download on your device)