Introduction to Bluegrass Banjo (eBook)
This book is designed to aid the novice attempting to learn the 5-string banjo using 3-Finger Style, where the strings are picked by three fingers (thumb,index and middle) of the right hand. Upon completing this volume, you will have learned how to combine left-hand notes with right-hand patterns so as to perform bluegrass style solos and back-up. You will also have the foundation needed to explore other styles of music, such as blues and jazz. No prior knowledge of music or any musical instrument is needed ...more
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Mel Bay Publications, Inc.
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This book is designed to aid the novice attempting to learn the 5-string banjo using 3-Finger Style, where the strings are picked by three fingers (thumb,index and middle) of the right hand. Upon completing this volume, you will have learned how to combine left-hand notes with right-hand patterns so as to perform bluegrass style solos and back-up. You will also have the foundation needed to explore other styles of music, such as blues and jazz. No prior knowledge of music or any musical instrument is needed to learn from this method. Enough detail is given to allow the beginner to fully grasp each concept. In addition, exercises are designed to facilitate a gradual increase in the student's understanding and dexterity. When a new concept is presented for the right hand, the left hand performs previously learned tasks. Likewise, a new left-hand technique is demonstrated with familiar right-hand patterns. This instructional technique is used throughout the text. Includes access to online audio.

Banjo Basics; Fingerpicks The Shoulder Strap; Holding the Banjo Right-Hand Exercises; The Thumb Pushes; Tablature Right-Hand fingers; Right-Hand Anchor; The fingers Pull Left-Hand Exercises Left-Hand Finger Placement; Chords;The Basic Roll; Chord Diagrams; Chapter Summary


Notes on the Banjo; The G Major Scale; our First Song Camptown Races; Memorizing songs Accompaniment; Counting Time; Strumming Rhythm Our Second Song: Oh! Susanna; Eighth Notes and Pick-up Notes Rhythm Pick Pattern; Note Stems; The Extended Scale Yankee Doodle; The Tie; Call and Response; Annoying Banjos Assigning Right-Hand Fingers; The Bar; more Annoying Banjos The Alternating Roll; Maintaining a Beat; Performing Annoying Banjos; The Repeat Sign


Quarter Notes Versus eighth Notes; Chords in Tab Simple Song; Tapping the Beat; The Hammer-on The Slide; Timing the Slide; Simple song with Added Slides Combining slides and Hammer-ons; Sixteenth Notes; The Pull-off Parts of a Song; Cripple Creek (Part B); A Roll is a Roll; 1st and 2nd Endings; Cripple Creek (Part A) The Forward / Backward Roll; Tag Endings and a Rule of Thumb; Banjos And Gourds Tuning the Banjo Right-Hand Position for Rhythm; Variations to a Melody; "Cripple Creek" Melody Variation Octaves; Arranging a Fiddle Tune Cripple Creek (full arrangement); Transitioning Between Parts; Chapter Summary


The Forward Roll; Boil 'Em Cabbage Down; The G Scale on String 3 Position Playing; Boil 'Em Cabbage Down (Variation); Harmonizing a Melody Syncopation; Extending Rolls; Banks Of The Ohio Varying Familiar Rolls; Golden Wings D, E minor, and A chords; Lead Sheets Approximating the Melody; Long Journey Home (Basic Solo) Embellishing a Basic Melody; Tagging a Solo Long Journey Home (Embellished Solo); Common Song Structures; Finishing Licks Old Joe Clark; The Appalachian Sound and Blue Notes


Playing in ¾ Time; Playing by Ear Filling the Beats; ¾ Time Rhythm Imitating the Singer; Amazing Grace; Cord Substitutions Rolls in ¾ Time; Down In The Willow Garden Additional ¾ Time Rolls; Nobody's Darling Triplets; Playing with a Bounce; Rolling Rhythm; In The Pines


Using a Capo; Tuning the 5th String Finding Your Key; A New Forward Roll; A New Tag Lick Bury Me Beneath The Willow; Choosing Rolls; Combining Rolls Circle Be Unbroken; More Picking by Ear; Ode To Joy Dotted Notes; A Two-Finger Roll; Great Speckled Bird


Naming Notes on the Banjo; Naming Notes on String Four Moveable Chords: The F Form; The Swing Roll; The 12 Bar Blues Filling the Rest; Naming Notes on String Three and Inlay Markers The Bar Form; Harmonizing the 12 Bar Blues; Naming Notes on String Two The D Form; Combining Chord Forms in a Song; Blackberry Blossom (Part A); Moveable Chord Forms in Rhythm The Boom-Chick Pattern; Blackberry Blossom (Part B) Harmony to "Blackberry Blossom"; Naming Flats


The Generic Major Scale; Chords in Numbers; Roman Numerals and The Guitar Keys Playing Rhythm by Numbers Another 12 Bar Blues; Characteristics of the Blues Reno, or Single-String Style; Reno Style Blues Lead; 5-String Blues Embellished Blues Rhythm; Another Blues Lead; 5-String Boogie The Triplet in Blues; Ending a Blues Solo


Practicing Effectively; Tracking Your Repertoire A Warm-Up Exercise; The Foggy Mountain Breakdown (FMB) Roll Variations of the FMB Lick; Train 45 Swapping D Licks; Common Time Verses Cut Time; Using a Metronome


Melodic Style; A Moveable Minor Form Devil's Dream; Rhythm with Closed Chords; Extending the Melodic Scale Alternative G Melodic Scale; Swapping Finishing Licks; Blackberry Blossom (Part A - Melodic) Combining Single-String and Melodic Styles; Beyond the Key of G Melodically; Arranging Rhythm Playing on the &; Red Haired Boy; Finishing Licks with Pick-up Notes


Playing Up the Neck; The E minor Position; Cumberland Gap Playing Melody with Chord Positions; Boil 'Em Cabbage Down (Up the Neck Variations) Adding Melody Notes to Chord Positions; Mountain Dew The Choke Lick; The C9 and D Augmented Position: 5-String Boogie More Syncopation; Sally Goodin


Beginning and Ending Songs; The Potato Intro; Four Potatoes Allowing for Pick-up Notes; Golden Slippers Potato Varieties; Partial Melody as an Intro; 4th String Lead-ins Lead-ins with Pick-up Notes; 3rd String Lead-ins; 2nd String Lead-ins 1st String Lead-ins; 5th String Lead-ins; Vocal Tag and Final Ending More Final Endings; Tag Endings; Shave and a Haircut Endings Pre-Endings; Common Pre- and Tag Ending


Embellished Back-Up; Down the Neck Back-Up Up the Neck Back-Up; "Salty Dog" Solos Vamping Back-Up; Arranging "Salty Dog" Salty Dog (Full Arrangement) Rolling Back-Up Vamp and Fill Back-Up; Rolling Back-Up with Fills Backing Instrumental Solos; Solos for "New River Train" Arranging "New River Train" New River Train (Full Arrangement)


Areas of Further Study; More Songs; Little Maggie When The Saints Go Marching In Bill Cheatham When You And I Were Young, Maggie Red River Valley

End of Chapter Quizzes (Chapters 1-4)
End of Chapter Quizzes (Chapters 4-7)
End of Chapter Quizzes (Chapters 8-11)
End of Chapter Quizzes (Chapters 12-13)

Song Lyrics; Acknowledgments
Track Listing, CD #1
Track Listing, CD #2; Index of Songs
Tablature Guide
Common Chords in G Tuning; Moveable Chord Forms
About the Author
Audio Sample 1
Audio Sample 2
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