Product Number:
Skill Level:
Multiple Levels
Notation Type:
Standard Notation and Tab
Squareback Saddle Stitched
8.75 x 11.75
Mel Bay Publications, Inc.
Date Published:
A delightful and extensive collection of dearly loved and time honored hymns and gospel tunes creatively arranged to be enjoyed and successfully played at any skill level. The tunes are written out in music notation and in standard dulcimer tablature that is clear and easy to read. Chord symbols are included for accompanying instruments as well as the lyrics for singing along. The thoughtful and intentional use of the Ionian (DAA,) Mixolydian (DAD) and Reverse Ionian (DGD) tunings will encourage flexibility and expand the use and understanding of different melodic modes and accompanying chord shapes.
• Dearly loved and time honored hymns and gospel tunes
• Creatively arranged to be enjoyed and successfully played at any skill level
• Written in music notation as well as in standard dulcimer tablature
• Includes tunes in DAA, DAD and DGD to expand the use and understanding of different tunings and modes
• Includes lyrics for singing along.
Amazing Grace
Blessed Assurance
Come Thou Fount Nettleton
Come Thou Fount Warrenton
Dwelling in Beulah Land
Fairest Lord Jesus
Farther Along
For the Beauty of the Earth
He Leadeth Me
Heavenly Sunlight
Holy, Holy, Holy
I Love to Tell the Story
I’ll Fly Away
In the Garden
It is Well With My Soul
Just a Rose Will Do
Just As I Am
Keep on the Sunny Side
Leaning on the Everlasting Arms
Life’s Railway to Heaven
Nearer My God To Thee
Pass Me Not, O Gentle Savior
Precious Memories
Rock of Ages
Softly and Tenderly
Sweet By and By
Sweet Hour of Prayer
The Haven of Rest
There is a Fountain
Trust and Obey
Twilight is Falling
Unclouded Day
Victory in Jesus
Were You There
What a Friend We Have in Jesus
When the Morning Comes
When the Roll is Called Up Yonder
When They Ring Those Golden Bells
Where We’ll Never Grow Old
Whispering Hope
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