The Snare Drum
The Four Strokes
Beginning Musical Notation
Reading Whole Notes and Half Notes
Quarter Notes and Quarter Rests
The Single-Stroke Roll
2/4 and 3/4 Time
The Double-Stroke Roll
Eighth Notes
Rebounding the Sticks
First and Second Endings
Alternating Rebounds/The Flam
Eighth Rests
The 5Stroke Roll/Accents/Dynamic Markings
Applying the Rebounds/Dotted-Quarter Notes/Ties
Sixteenth Notes/The Paradiddle
Sixteenth Rests/The Multiple-Bounce Roll
Eighth and Sixteenth-Note Combination 1
Eighth and Sixteenth Combination 2/Mezzo Piano & Mezzo Forte
Dotted-Eighth Notes/Eighth-Sixteenth Combination 3
Eighth and Sixteenth-Note Combination 4
Eighth and Sixteenth-Note Combination 5/Crescendo -Decresendo
Reading Flams/Fortissimo Pianissimo/The Drag
32nd Notes/Reading Rolls
Reading the 5Stroke Roll/The Flam Tap
Reading 9Stroke Rolls
Reading Paradiddles/The Double Paradiddle/Dal Segno
Eighth-Note Triplets
Rolling in Meter
Review of s 130/The Flam Paradiddle
Triplet Accent #2
Triplet Accent #3
Reading Flam Taps
Triplet Accents and Flam Tap Review
5/4 Time
Sixteenth-Note Triplets
Quarter-Note Triplets/Two-Measure Repeats
6/8 Time/The 7Stroke Roll
Additional Time Signatures
Mixed Meters
Alla Breve or Cut Time
Da Capo/Coda/Rudiment Notation in Reading
Final Review
Two-Drum Exercises
The 12 Basic Rudiments