Product Number:
Skill Level:
Notation Type:
Standard Notation
Squareback Saddle Stitched
8.75 x 11.75
Mel Bay Publications, Inc.
Date Published:
As one of the most productive composers in history, Georg Philipp Telemann endeavored to supply a steady stream of new music for both professional and amateur musicians. The 64 compositions in this collection fall into three categories:
Sonatas for two treble-clef instruments without bass accompaniment.
Pieces for solo instrument and bass.
Movements from Telemann’s many trio sonatas and overture-suites for two melody instruments and bass.
Written in standard notation only for two mandolins, or mandolin with violin, flute, recorder, or any other instrument of similar range.
From Helden-Music (1728)
- Bravery (TWV 50:33)
- Generosity (TWV 50:40)
- Grace (TWV 50:32)
- Liveliness (TWV 50:38)
- Rejoicing (TWV 50:42)
From Sonates sans basse (1727)
- Soave from Sonata No. 1 (TWV 40:101)
- Allegro from Sonata No. 1 (TWV 40:101)
- Vivace from Sonata No. 2 (TWV 40:102)
- Affettuoso from Sonata No. 2 (TWV 40:102)
- Vivace from Sonata No. 4 (TWV 40:104)
- Allegro from Sonata No. 5 (TWV 40:105)
From Seven times Seven plus One Menuets (1728)
- Menuet No. 1 (TWV 34:1)
- Menuet No. 11 (TWV 34:11)
- Menuet No. 26 (TWV 34:26)
From Der getreue Music-Meister (1728-29)
- Affettuoso from Duetto (TWV 40:107)
From 9 Sonatas for 2 Flutes (1730?)
- Allegro No. 2 from Sonata No. 3 (TWV 40:143)
- Vivace from Sonata No. 5 (TWV 40:145)
- Affettuoso from Sonata No. 6 (TWV 40:146)
From the Second Seven times Seven plus One Menuets (1730)
- Menuet No. 1 (TWV 34:51)
- Menuet No. 6 (TWV 34:56)
- Menuet No. 12 (TWV 34:62)
- Menuet No. 13 (TWV 34:63)
- Menuet No. 14 (TWV 34:64)
- Menuet No. 22 (TWV 34:72)
- Menuet No. 32 (TWV 34:82)
- Menuet No. 34 (TWV 34:84)
- Menuet No. 35 (TWV 34:85)
- Menuet No. 44 (TWV 34:94)
From the 36 Fantaisies pour le Clavessin (1732-33)
- Allegro (from TWV 33:1)
- Allegro (from TWV 33:10)
- Vite (from TWV 33:17)
- Divement (from TWV 33:16)
- Gayment (from TWV 33:14)
- Allegrement (from TWV 33:19)
- Vite (from TWV 33:20)
- Vivace (from TWV 33:12)
- Minue (from TWV 33:32)
From Scherzi Melodichi (1734)
- Allegro from Tuesday (TWV 42:B3)
- Allegro from Wednesday (TWV 42:G5)
- Allegro from Friday (TWV 42:e4)
- Andante from Sunday (TWV 42:D7)
- Moderato from Wednesday (TWV 42:G5)
- Presto from Monday (TWV 42:A4)
- Presto from Friday (TWV 42:e4)
- Presto I from Wednesday (TWV 42:G5)
- Presto II from Wednesday (TWV 42:G5)
- Vivace from Thursday (TWV 42:Es2)
- Vivace from Saturday (TWV 42:B3)
From XIIX Canons Mélodieux (1738)
- Allegro from the Canonic Sonata No. 1 (TWV 40:118)
- Vivace from the Canonic Sonata No. 6 (TWV 40:119)
- From the many Overture-Suites
- Menuet I from Overture-Suite TWV 55:G2
- Canarie from Overture-Suite TWV 55:C3
- Gavotte Grotesque from Overture-Suite TWV 55:e9
- Gavotte from Overture-Suite TWV 55:C3
- March from Overture-Suite TWV 55:C7
- Loure from Overture-Suite TWV 55:g4
From the many Triosonates
- Cantabile from Triosonate TWV 42:A2
- Allegro from Triosonate TWV 42:c1
- Andante from Triosonate TWV 42:D4
- Largo from Triosonate TWV 42:c1
- Vivace from Triosonate TWV 42:G1
- Canone from Triosonate TWV 42:fis1
- Vivace from Triosonate TWV 42:G12
- Vivace from Triosonate TWV 42:F12
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