Chapter 1: Introduction and Warmup
About the Author
The Chromatic Scale Warmup
Left and Right-Hand Technique
Chapter 2: Technique and Prerequisite Scales
Prerequisite Scales - Planted Note in Lower Register
2.1 to 2.4
Prerequisite Scales - Planted Note in Upper Register
2.5 to 2.8
Chapter 3: Studies in Thirds with Planted Note in Lower Register
The Four Directions Used
The Importance of Offset Rhythm
Part 1: Basic Intervals in Thirds - Low Planted Note
3.1 to 3.16
Part 2: Studies in Thirds with Planted Note in Lower Register
3.17 to 3.32
“When the Saints Go Marching In” Etude #1
Chapter 4: Studies in Thirds with Planted Note in Upper Register
Part 1: Basic Third Intervals - High Planted Note
4.1 to 4.16
Part 2: Offset Intervals of a Third - High Planted Note
4.17 to 4.32
“When the Saints Go Marching In” Etude #2
Chapter 5: Triad Arpeggio Studies with Planted Note in Lower Register
Part 1: Basic Triad Arpeggios - Low Planted Note
5.1 to 5.16
Part 2: Offset Rhythm Triad Arpeggios - Low Planted Note
5.17 to 5.32
Jigsaw Etude
Chapter 6: Triad Arpeggio Studies with Planted Note in Upper Register
Part 1: Basic Triad Arpeggios - High Planted Note
6.1 to 6.16
Part 2: Offset Third Arpeggios - High Planted Note
6.17 to 6.32
Baroque Style Etude
Chapter 7: 7th Arpeggio Studies with Planted Note in Lower Register
Part 1: Basic 7th Arpeggios (without offset rhythm) - Low Planted Note
7.1 to 7.16
Part 2: Offset Rhythm with 7th Arpeggios - Low Planted Notes
7.17 to 7.32
Secondary Dominant Exercise
Chapter 8: 7th Arpeggio Studies with Planted Note in Upper Register
Part 1: Basic 7th Arpeggios - High Planted Note
8.1 to 8.16
Part 2: Offset Rhythm 7th Arpeggios - High Planted Note
8.17 to 8.32
“Danny, Take the High Road”
“Take the High Road, Danny”
Chapter 9: Advanced Concepts: Next Steps for the Advanced Guitarist
Part 1: Interval Studies1
9.1 to 9.5
Part 2: Two Planted Notes
9.6 to 9.8
Part 3: Moving Planted Notes
9.9 to 9.11
Part 4: Planted Notes on Other Strings and Roots
9.12 to 9.17
“Blues Etude”
Excerpt from “Invention No 1 in C Major” by J S Bach