Harmonic Mechanisms for Guitar
General Remarks
General Remarks/Chemistry
Basic Voicing Chart
String Chart/Broken and Divided Sets
General Remarks/Selectivity
The Mighty Triads
First Inversion Triads Through Descending Cycle of Fifths
1st Inversion Triads Major
1st Inversion Triads Harmonic Minor
1st Inversion Triads Melodic Minor
2nd Inversion Triads Major
2nd Inversion Triads Harmonic Minor
2nd Inversion Triads Melodic Minor
Scale in Root Triads Major
Scale in Root Triads Harmonic Minor
Scale in Root Triads Melodic Minor
Scale in Open 1st Inversion Triads Major and Harmonic Minor
Scale in open 2nd Inversion Triads Major and Harmonic Minor
Scale in Open Root Triads Major and Harmonic Minor
Scale in Open Root Triads Melodic Minor
Triad Arpeggios
Triads Contrary Motion C Major
Triads 1st Inversion & 2nd Inversion/Root Position-upper voice describes diatonic scale
Triads 1st Inversion/2nd Inversion/Root Position-Middle voice up/lower voice down Major
Mixed Minors
3 to 6 up Major
3 to 6 down
6 to 3 up
6 to 3 down
3 to 6 up Harmonic Minor
3 to 6 down Harmonic Minor
6 to 3 up Harmonic Minor
6 to 3 down Harmonic Minor
3 to 6 up Melodic Minor
3 to 6 down Melodic Minor
6 to 3 up Melodic Minor
6 to 3 down Melodic Minor
Sixths with Upper Line Motion
Sixths with Upper Line Motion Major Full Range
Sixths with Upper Line Motion Harmonic Minor Full Range
Sixths with Upper Line Motion Melodic Minor Full Range
Sixths with Upper Line Major
The Visual Fingerboard
Chromatic Triads
Chromatic Triads Major
Chromatic Triads Minor
10th to 3rd down/3rd to 10th up
8 to 1 down/1 to 8 up
Chromatic Scales in 2nds/3rds/4ths/5ths/6ths/8ths
Chromatic Scales in 8ths/10ths/13ths/15ths
Chromatics Expanded
Super and Sub Series First Inversion Triads
Triad Voices Super/ Upper Voice Super/Major
Triad Voices Super/ Middle Voice Super/Major
Triad Voices Super/ Lower Voice Super/Major
Triad Voices Sub/ Upper Voice Sub/Major
Triad Voices Sub/ Middle Voice Sub/Major
Triad Voices Sub/ Lower Voice Sub/Major
The Four String Spread for Articulated Triads
Triad Voices Super/Upper Voice Super/Harmonic Minor
Triad Voices Super/Middle Voice Super/Harmonic Minor
Triad Voices Super/Lower Voice Super/Harmonic Minor
Triad Voices Sub/Upper Voice Sub/Harmonic Minor
Triad Voices Sub/Middle Voice Sub/Harmonic Minor
Triad Voices Sub/Lower Voice Sub/Harmonic Minor
Triad Voices Super/Upper Voice Super/Melodic Minor
Triad Voices Super/Middle Voice Super/Melodic Minor
Triad Voices Super/Lower Voice Super/Melodic Minor
Triad Voices Sub/Upper Voice Sub/Melodic Minor
Triad Voices Sub/Middle Voice Sub/Melodic Minor
Triad Voices Sub/Lower Voice Sub/Melodic Minor
Super and Sub Series Second Inversion Triads
Triad Voices Super/ Upper Voice Super/Major
Triad Voices Super/ Middle Voice Super/Major
Triad Voices Super/ Lower Voice Super/Major
Triad Voices Sub/ Upper Voice Sub/Major
Triad Voices Sub/ Lower Voice Sub/Major
Triad Voices Super/Upper Voice Super/Harmonic Minor
Triad Voices Super/Middle Voice Super/Harmonic Minor
Triad Voices Super/Lower Voice Super/Harmonic Minor
Triad Voices Sub/Upper Voice Sub/Harmonic Minor
Triad Voices Sub/Lower Voice Sub/Harmonic Minor
Triad Voices Super/Upper Voice Super/Melodic Minor
Triad Voices Super/Middle Voice Super/Melodic Minor
Triad Voices Super/Lower Voice Super/Melodic Minor
Triad Voices Sub/Upper Voice Sub/Melodic Minor
Triad Voices Sub/Lower Voice Sub/Melodic Minor
Super and Sub Series About Root Position Triads
Triad Voices Super and Sub Root Position Upper Voice Super/Major and Harmonic Minor
Triad Voices Super and Sub Root Position Upper Voice Sub/Major and Harmonic Minor
Triad Voices Super and Sub Root Position Melodic Minor all Voicings
Super and Sub Series Open Voicing Alternatives
Super and Sub Series Multi-Voice Motion
Super and Sub Harmonic Variation on Basic Triad Scales
Visualizing Harmonic Situations/The Magic of the Chromatic Scale
Contrary Motion Chromatic Triads
5th Finger Principle
Chromatic Triads Major
Chromatics/Triads/2nd-1st-Root-Arpeggios Minor
Chromatic Triads/Major and Minor Series Circle 5
Chromatic Triads/Major Series
Chromatic Triads/Minor Series
Chromatics/Contrary Motion
Chromatic Triads/Blockouts
Blockout Patterns/Triad Inversion Order Mixed/Major and Minor Series
Blockout Patterns/Triad Inversion Order Repeat/Major and Minor Series