Table of Strum Symbols
Backup Strums
Thumb-Brush Strum #1
Scratch Style Strum #2, 2a, 3, & 4
Introducing the Index Finger
Alternating Bass
Introducing the Middle Finger
Double Finger Scratch
Arpeggio Strums Strum #5 & 6
Introducing the Ring Finger
Alternating Thumb and Index Finger Accompaniments Strum #7, 8, 9, & 10
Double Thumbing
Rocker Strum (shuffle rhythm)
Single String Thumb Tap
Arpeggiando Stroke Strum #11, 12, & 13
“Church Lick"
Introducing the Loose Fist
Travis Picking Strum #14, 15, 15a, 16, 16a, 17, 18, & 19
Travis in 3/4 Time
Travis in 4/4 Time
Blanking Out
Shuffle Beat
Syncopated Travis
Steady 8th Note Rhythm
Introducing the Pinch
Melody Picking
Traditional Melody Pinching
Thumb Brushes
Triplets: middle-index
Duple Meter: Double Finger Brush
Small pinches
Travis Style
Hammerin’ On
Arpeggio Style
Straight Arpeggio in 3/4 Time
Broken, Syncopated Arpeggio in 4/4 Time
Broken Arpeggios in 4/4 Time
Five Finger Tapping
Combined with the Blanking Out Stroke
Combined with Hammerin’ On
Bluegrass Melody Picking
Alternating Thumb and Index Finger Picking
Hammerin’ On
Drag Notes
Back Slur
Syncopated Rhythm
Single String Thumb Tap
Rapid Thumb and Index Fillers
Melodic Endings
Picking with Alternating Middle and Index Fingers
Diatonic Fiddle Arrangement