Building Harmonica Technique (eBook + Online Audio)
A Comprehensive Study of Harmonica Techniques and Blues Soloing Concepts
Offering a comprehensive study of harmonica techniques and blues soloing concepts, this book contains studies and etudes on bending notes (draw and blow), throat vibrato, two-hole shakes, tongue blocking, acoustic and amplified playing, music theory, blues scales, octave substitutions, playing positions, and position substitutes. Intended for the intermediate to advanced diatonic harmonica player, this book provides extensive instruction on lead and accompaniment playing styles. The companion audio include ...more
Product Number:
eBook + Online Audio
Skill Level:
Multiple Levels
Notation Type:
Standard Notation
Mel Bay Publications, Inc.
Date Published:
Offering a comprehensive study of harmonica techniques and blues soloing concepts, this book contains studies and etudes on bending notes (draw and blow), throat vibrato, two-hole shakes, tongue blocking, acoustic and amplified playing, music theory, blues scales, octave substitutions, playing positions, and position substitutes. Intended for the intermediate to advanced diatonic harmonica player, this book provides extensive instruction on lead and accompaniment playing styles. The companion audio includes musical example and play-along songs. Each exercise is played and every full length song is fully accompanied by a blues band. Each large example is played once with harmonica and again with accompaniment only. This book can be used with both diatonic and chromatic harmonica, but us more recommended for the diatonic player. Includes access to online audio.
Up Front
Harmonica Notation
What Is A Bend
What Happens to my Harmonic When I Bend?
Bends Available on Your Harmonica
Bending Exercises
Draw Bending
Blow Bending
Draw Bending Exercises
The Chromatic Scale
Blow Bending Exercises
Throat Vibratos
Where the Vibrato Happens
The Laughing Vibrato
The Staccato Vibrato
The Bent Vibrato
Two Hole Shakes
Controlled Shakes
Shakes Used for Substitution
More Shaked
Tongue Blocking
Single Hole Tongue Blocking
Octave Tongue Blocking
4 Hole Embouchure
The Flutter Tongue
5 Hole Embouchure
The Octave Shake
Tongue Blocking Exercises and Songs
Acoustic Playing
Hand Techniques
The Wawa
The Hand Vibrato
Traditional Stylistic Techniques
Acoustic Lick Exercises
Amplified Playing
The Microphone
 a) Bullet Microphone Hand Holding Techniques
 b) Straight Microphone Hand Holding Techniques
Techniques Used when Playing Amplified
Picking Your System

Theory & Application
 Blues Scales
Construction of the Blues Scales
Most Used Portions of the Blues Scales
Complete Blues Scales
 Octave Substitution
Cross Harp Octave Substitution
Draw Harp Octave Substitutions
Straight Harp Octave Substitutions
Octave Substitutions Playing Ensemble
 Playing Positions
Playing in 1st Position
Playing in 2nd Position
Playing in 3rd Position
Key Relations & Extended Positions
Finding What Key Your Playing in for Each Position
 Position Substitution
Key Relations Between Positions
Transferring 2nd Position Licks to 3rd Position
Harmonica Position Chart
Transferring 2nd Position Licks to 1st Position
Blues Scales Quick Chart
Position Substitution Playing Example

Soling Techniques
Octave Displacement
Soloing Blocks
Song Construction
Dynamics Playing Example
Using All the Techniques You've Learned, Song Example: "Big Boy's Jam"
Backup 12 bar Progressions
Filling the Holes
Listening to other Musical Lines
When the Band Says They're Playing in Minor
The Blues Break
Etended Chord Usages
 Applying What You've Learned
Playing Bluesy vs. Playing Light
Audio Sample 1
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eBook + Online Audio
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Building Harmonica Technique Volume 1 & 2

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