O'Neill's Music of Ireland (Book)
Eighteen Hundred and Fifty Melodies. Airs, Jigs, Reels, Hornpipes, Song Dances, Marches

Known as “The Bible of Irish Music,” Mel Bay’s facsimile edition contains the original 1903 collection of 1,850 melodies consisting of airs, jigs, reels, hornpipes, long songs, and marches for fiddle or practically any other melody instrument. Each of the book’s 360+ pages presents 2 – 4 tunes in standard notation, together with stylistically appropriate ornamentation. Tune titles are given in Gaelic and in English with a few tunes appearing in two or three variations or ...more

Product Number:
Skill Level:
Notation Type:
Standard Notation
Perfect Binding
8.75 x 11.75
Mel Bay Publications, Inc.
Date Published:

Known as “The Bible of Irish Music,” Mel Bay’s facsimile edition contains the original 1903 collection of 1,850 melodies consisting of airs, jigs, reels, hornpipes, long songs, and marches for fiddle or practically any other melody instrument. Each of the book’s 360+ pages presents 2 – 4 tunes in standard notation, together with stylistically appropriate ornamentation. Tune titles are given in Gaelic and in English with a few tunes appearing in two or three variations or “settings.” Intricate Celtic fonts similar to the cover illustration grace the main sections of this authoritative book. Famed Celtic harper, Turlough O’Carolan, is given his own segment entitled “O’Carolan’s Compositions,” which includes many of his planxties or tribute songs. The book concludes with a comprehensive alphabetic listing of song titles.

Piper, fiddler, flautist and twice selected Chief of the Chicago Police Department by two different mayors, Francis O’Neill (1848 – 1905), was born in Tralibane, near Bantry, County Cork Ireland and immigrated to the United States after being shipwrecked while serving as a cabin boy on an English merchant ship. Although he himself could not read or write music, he collected tunes from the burgeoning Irish community in Chicago as well as from many of the major performers of his era. He also recruited many Irish musicians to serve on the Chicago police force. O’Neill would learn tunes by ear on a tin whistle and later play them for his nephew, James, or one of his sergeants who were capable of writing them down. In this fashion, he saved some 3,500 Irish melodies for posterity.

This listing is given just as is appears in the book. The preliminary article "The" in the names is omitted. For example, in looking for "The Garden of Daisies," search must be made under the letter "G", and not under "T".
Names in italics are alternate titles for the tune above them. Columns are broken in the same places as in the book.


A lover of mild behavior
   Costly were the robes
At midnight hour
   On a dark and lonely strand
As we go about our work
Along with my love I'll go
A soldier to-night is our guest
As I roved out
   Cold and rough the north wind blows
A sailor loved a farmers daughter
Alewoman, the
A stranger in cork
A place in thy memory dearest
As I roved out one morning
Achil air
Araby's daughter
A maid without a gown
An Irish lullaby
Arrah my dear Eveleen
   Silent O Moyle!
   Song of Finnula
A mother's lamentation
America lies far away
An hour before day
Ashtree grove, the
Apprentice boy, the
A bright morning
A bright evening
As through the wood I roamed
Advice, the
Arran air
Angels whisper

Black slender boy, 1st setting
Black slender boy, 2nd setting
Black slender boy, 3rd setting
Brown thorn, the, 1st setting
   St. Senanus and the lady
   Why do lovely virgins mourn?
   The back is on the swelling shore
   The sloe tree
Brown thorn, the, 2nd setting
Brown thorn, the, 3rd setting
Bright love of my heart
Barney O'Finnigan
Banks of the Blackwater
Blackeyed Susan, 1st setting
Blackeyed Susan, 2nd setting
Bog blossom, the
Bold soldier boy
Brave volunteers
Boys of Wexford
Brink of the white rocks, 1st setting
   The West's asleep
   The lament for the Milesians
Brink of the white rocks, 2nd setting
Burnt old man, 1st setting
   Georgie, the dotard
Burnt old man, 2nd setting
Burnt old man, 3rd setting
Barley grain
   The frost and snow began to blow
Billy Byrne of Ballymanus
Bonnie bunch of roses
Banks of Banna
   When through life unblest we roam
   Molly asthore
   Shepherds, I have lost my love
   Had I a heart for falsehood framed
   Oh! nevermore
Banshees' cry
   How oft has the banshee cried?
   The dear black maid
Bright black rose
Brown maid
   Oh! touch, dear maid, that string
   Oh! breathe not his name
Brownhaired boy
Boys in the gap
Bonnie laboring boy
   The hat my father wore
   Off to Carlow I will go
Blackbird, the, 1st setting
Blackbird, the, 2nd setting
Blackbird, the, 3rd setting
Boys of Carrigallen
Black-lettered list
Bride of Malahide
Battle eve
   Contented I am
   Thy welcome, O'Leary
   Down in the meadow
Brian, the brave
Boyne water
   Song of the volunteers
   The cavalcade of the Boyne
   Native swords
   As vanquished Erin
Boy of my heart
Burns' farewell
Bold deserter
Banks of the Shannon
Banks of Lough Foyle
Bay of Biscay O!
Blow the candle out
Boy from the top of the world
Boys of Glanlough
Beside a silvery stream
Bard of Armagh
   Phelim Brady
By the brookside
Bright love of my heart
Blood-red rose
   To daunton me
Bantry lasses
Banks of the Barrow
Banks of Claudy
Beautiful Mary McKeon
Brown mallet

Blueeyed maid
Blackhaired darling, 1st setting
   Love and the novice
   The old Jew
   The Irish round
Blackhaired darling, 2nd setting
Blackthorn stick
Boys from Kerry
Bird alone, the
Bold dragoon
Blackhaired girl
Buttercups and daisies
Banks of the Suir
Bush on the hill
Banks of Dunmore
Banquet, the
Bashful lover
Black Matthew
Biddy is my darling
Bandon bridge, 1st setting
Bandon bridge, 2nd setting
Boys from Mullingar
   If ever you marry
Bend of the river
Beside the white rocks

Catholic boys
Castle of Dromore
Coolin, with variations
   Though the last glimpse of Erin
   In this calm sheltered villa
   Oh! hush the soft sigh
   The lady of the desert
   The Cumberland's Crew
Chanter's tune
Crossing the stream
Caves of Cong
Charming Mary O'Neill
Come back to Erin
Croppy boy, the
Chieftain, the
Castle Hyde
   Let others breathe in glowing words
Charming fair maid
Cruiskeen lawn
   O'Sullivan's return
   The men of '82
Count not the hours
Church of Dromore
Catherine Tyrrell, 1st setting
   O! blame not the bard
Catherine Tyrrell, 2nd setting
Come along with me
Celia O'Gara
   The Kilruddery hunt
   Oh! had we some bright little isle
Charles McHugh
Curse the laws that gave me cause
Croppy tailor
Curly locks
Cup of gold
Castle Donovan
Christmas Eve
Charles O'Reilly
Cock and hen
Celia Connellan

Dark woman of the glen
Down by the river side
Dear Irish boy
Dawning of the day
Dear black cow
   Colly, my cow
   The peasant's grief
Do you remember that night?
   Sunny Glenagh
Down by the old mill
Dear little shamrock
Down at the seaside
Down among the ditches
Drimoleague fair
Deception, the
Do you mistrust me?
Down by the ocean tide
Dark maiden of the valley
Dark girl dressed in blue
Daniel O'Daly
Denis, don't be threatening
   The fairies' dwelling
   Nay, tell me not dear
Death and the sinner, 1st setting
   The night of my wake
   Cold in my coffin
Death and the sinner, 2nd setting
Dark Loughnagar
Downhill of life
Dissipated youth
Devil take the wars!
Desmond's song
   Oh! leave me to my sorrow
Dermot and his lass
Doth not a meeting like this?
Dermot my treasure

Enchanted valley
Erin, my country
Eileen aroon, 1st setting
   Robin Adair
   Erin, the fear and the smile
Eileen aroon, 2nd setting
Enniskillen dragoons
Emblem of faith
Emerald Isle

Fare you well
   The sinner's lament
   Weeping and mourning
Fun at Donnybrook
Friars' hill
Fair Mary Mulholland
Fairhaired girl
Farmer Hayes
   I'm now in the land of liberty
   A fig for all my foes
Farewell to Ballymoney
   The dear Irish maid
For Ireland I'd not tell her name
   The river Lee
   I am a disconsolate rake
   Storeen machree
Fair at Dungarvan
   Were you ever in sweet Tipperary?
Fill the cup
Four-leaved shamrock
For freedom and for Erin
Foggy dew, 1st setting
   I courted her for a long summer season
Foggy dew, 2nd setting
Fairy boy
Fairy cobbler
Finnigan's wake
   The French musician
   .Doran's ass
Fox and his wife
Forlorn lover
Forlorn stranger
Fill the glass
Forget not the angels

Fox's Sleep, the
   When he who adores thee
Fair hills of Eire O!
   Uailleacan dhuv O!
   Song of sorrow
Father Quinn
   Whenever I see those smiling eyes
   Breath not again that dreadful word
Fairy rath, the
Fill the bumper fair
   Bob and Joan
   Keep your wife at home
Fairies' well
Flowers of Erin's green shore
Fair branch
Flowers of the forest, Irish version
   I've heard of lilting
Fenian stronghold
   Avenging and bringht [sic]
Fragrant blossoms
Fair maid of Cavan
Fisherman's song
Faithful brown cow, 1st setting
Faithful brown cow, 2nd setting
Fair Ellen
Fair maid of Kinsale
Flowers in the valley

Groves of Blackpool
Gen. Monroe's lamentation
Good morning, fair maid
   I'll leach you the way
   Hide and go seek
Gordon's tune
   Mary of Ballyhaunis
Geraldine's daughter
Girl of the big house
Good health to our friends far away
Green woods of Truigha
   Silence is in our festive halls
Gentle maiden
   When the south wind blows
Green shady bowers
Green bushes
Girl from lower Ireland
Gathering of the clans
Groves of Dromore
Give me your hand
Girl I love
Good ship Planet
Girls I have courted
Grave of Wolf Tone
Grassy green pillow
Goat's song
George Gubbins' delight
Grace O'Malley
Groves of Blarney
   Sad and luckless was the season
   T'is the last rose of summer
Gramachree Molly
   The harp that once through Tara's Hall
Granu Waile; or, Ma, Ma
Girls of our town
Good health to my brown maid

Hugh O'Neill's lament
Have you been at Carrick?
Holland is a fine place
Honest man, the
Hermit of Killarney
   When war was heard
Humors of Carrickmacross
How Paddy was fooled
Humors of Glynn
   Thomas Leixlip, the proud
   A virgin wife and widow
   The groves of sweet myrtle
Humors of the Joyce country
Hurrah! for old Erin forever
House on the hill
Heart bowed down
He left us in sorrow
Have you seen my valentine?
Her blushing cheek

I could, but I won't
I'll mend your pots and kettles
If all the young ladies
Its a pity I can't see my love
Is not this pleasant?
I saw thy form in youthful prime
I'm a poor rambling boy
   There was a young lady
Irish champion, the
   Muldoon, the solid man
Irish nation
I love thee no more
I'll be a good boy
I leave you to guess
I will drink no more
I'm sadly thinking
   The deserter
I'm married one year today
I'm weary of life
I awoke from my dream
I wish that I could go with you
Ireland forever!
   I'm sick to the heart
Irish exile
I met her in the garden
It would not do at all
Ill make my love a breast of glass
I love you my darling
If the sea were ink
   Ah! where is the vow?
   Lay his sword by his side
It is sickly I am
I dreamt of my love
Irish hautboy, the
I pressed her to my breast
I'm lonely tonight, love
I'm asleep and don't awaken me
   Erin, Oh! Erin
   A soft mild morning
   Like the bright lamp
I leave you in sadness

John O'Dwyer of the glen, 1st setting
John O'Dwyer of the glen, 2nd setting
John Mitchell
Joys of summer
Jug and it full
John White
Jolly beggarman
James O'Brien
Jolly plowman, 1st setting
   Lowbacked car, 2nd setting
   Smiling Nannette
   The brave Irish boy
Jimmie, my thousand treasures, 1st setting
Jimmie, my thousand treasures, 2nd setting
Johnny, fill up the bowl
   Johnny, I hardly knew you
Jane's heart inclines to me
Johnny Doyle
Jolly young waterman

Kitty O'Neill
Kathleen O'Moore
   The rivers
Kitty of Coleraine
Kitty Quinn
Kitty O'Hara
Kate Kearney
Kilkenny tune .
Katty Nowlan, 1st setting
Katty Nowlan, 2nd setting
Killarney .
Kissing thy sweet lips
Keepsake, the

Little black Rose, 1st setting
Little black Rose, 2nd setting
Little red lark .
Lord Doneraile
Little yellow road .
Little bench of rushes
   O! pleasant was the moon
   Bunch of green rushes
   Life is all checkered with pleasures and woes
   The bark is on the swelling wave
   No, not more welcome
Little swallow
Little Molly O!
Love is a tormenting pain
Let us leave that as it is
   Darby O'Leary
   The Galbally farmer
Little black Rose, No. 3
Londonderry love song
Lough Carra fisherman
Lord Mayo
Lullaby, a
Little Mary Cullinan
   The rose tree in full bearing
   I'd mourn he hopes that leave me
   Maureen from Gibberland
   Forgive the muse that slumbered
   Phelim O'Neill
Lonely I'll be, love, without you
Lough Sheeling
   Adieu my loved harp
   Come rest in this bosom
   Bridget O'Malley
Let other men praise
Love for love .
Lowbacked car, 2nd setting
(See jolly plowman, page 67.)
Leather away with the wattle, O
Leap year
Loughrea lasses
Lord, send the French without delay
Lament for Sarsfield
Let us be drinking
   I can court the fair ladies
Lovers' discourse
Light of other days
Let the wind blow high or low
Logan Water .
Liffey's silvery stream
Love's young dream
   The old woman
   Hark, I hear the ocean's sweep

My love is a bandboy
   I'll marry my Johnny
My darling, I am fond of you
   Then she sung most charming
Monks of the screw
Mary's return
Mourne shore
Margaret Sheehan
   My darling colleen fuen
My love has gone
My own young dear
Maids of Araglen
Morning air
My lodging is on the cold ground
   Believe me, if all those endearing young charms
   When the dove left the ark
   Duly and love
My pretty Mary
Mountain high
   Two miles below Fermoy
Margaret Lavin
Maiden, the
Mower, the
   Conor O'Riordan's vision
Mollie MacAlpin
Minstrel boy
   "The Morin"
   The lover's lute
   Then, soldier, come fill high the wine
My Johnny dear
My love is a lady
Miller's maid, the
My fairhaired darling
Man with the red cloak
Maid of Selma
My heart's full of joy
My love is on the river
My heart is your slave
My dear darling
   Savour neen deelish
   I saw from the beach
   T'is gone, and forever
   Miss Molly
Morning sun .
Maid of Banbridge
Mantle so green
   I courted lovely Sally
Maid of Templemore
My heart is breaking
Mary O'Sullivan
Mountain top
Morning star
My darling, don't leave me
Mary, with the amber locks
Molly my dear
My bold Trainor O
Mowing of the hay
Mary my bright pet
My own sweetheart
Maid of the golden tresses
Maid of Lismore
Mountains of Pomeroy
Maid of Castlebar
My love will ne'er forsake me
Mr. Grumguffenhoff
   Can an Irishman practice such guile
My heart is sore
My little bag that was stolen
Moonlight ramble
Maid without dower
Mary, do you fancy me?
   Quit not yet the shady bower
My darling Kathleen
Morning dream

McLean's lamentation
McFarlane's lament

Night before Larry was stretched

Ned of the hill
   The young man's dream
   Col O'Gara
   As a beam o'er the waters
New Year's song
New Langolee .
   Dear harp of my country
   Paddy Bull's Expedition
New apron
Nancy my pride
Norah, the pride of Kildare
Nancy's branching tresses
No longer can I stay
New lesson, the
   The "Read-a-med aisy"
Night was calm
Nora, with the amber hair

O'Connell's lamentation
O'Carolan's lament
Old Truagh .
Of my love I was thinking
Oisin's lament
Old plaid shawl
Old leather breeches
O! sweet Adare
Outlaw of the hills
Oft in the stilly night
   March to the battlefield
One Sunday after mass
O! for one-and-twenty
Old Langolee
   The humors of Ballamaguiry
   Smile on far thy young days
On a bank of flowers
O'Donnell Aboo
   Our land shall be free
Old blind bard
Old beggarman
O'Reilly's lamentation
O'Aranmore, loved Aranmore
   Kildroughalt fair
O! white Maive
Old cloak
On the mountain side
One wife is enough for me
Open window, the
Open the door softly
   Swift fly the hours
Once I was happy
O! the shamrock
   Alley Croker
   Through Erin's isle
On Lough Neagh's banks
Once more I hail thee
Old head of Denis
   Meeting of the waters
   Old woman lamenting her purse
Oh! Sheela my love
O! Nancy, don't you remember?
On a cold winter's day
Oh! dear what can the matter be?

Protestant boys
   Orange and Green will carry the day
Pretty girls of Ballymena
Parting glass
   Good night, and joy be with you all
   Good night all around
Pretty girl milking her cow, 1st setting
   The valley lay smiling before me
   I would I were but that sweet linnet
   The flower of all maidens
Pretty girl milking her cow, 2nd setting
Poor blind boy
Pretty cuckoo
Proposal, the
He asked me name the day
I know that Johnny loves me
Peggy Bawn
Paddies evermore
Pearl of the flowing tresses
Peeler and the goat
   Bansha peeler
Poor old woman, 1st setting
Poor old woman. 2nd setting
Praises of Limerick
   My name is Moll Mackey
   Rodney's glory
Parson boasts of mild ale
Pleasures of life
Paddy Brown
Pretty Peggy
Peevish child
Peace of the valley
Pearl of the white breast
Peas upon a trencher
   The time I've lost in wooing
Prettiest girl of all
Pulse of my heart, No. 1
   Come over the sea
Pulse of my heart, No. 2
Plowboy, the

Redhaired girl, 1st setting
   I'd roam through Asia
Redhaired girl, 2nd setting
Raking redhaired Pat
Rodney's glory
   Praises of Limerick
Rory Dall's sister's lament
Rushy mountain
Rose without rue
Rising of the moon
Rambling laborer
   The girl I left behind me
   I love my love in the morning
   As slow our ship
Rejected lover
Romantic Kerryman
Rocky moorland
Road to Hollyhill
Red fox, the
   Let Erin remember the days of old
Redhaired man's wife
Rosey, let me in
Rocking the cradle
I sat in the vale

Seige of Troy
She's a daughter of Daniel O'Connell
Shamrock shore
Sailing hack of Whiddy
Shule aroon, 1st setting
   Shule agra
   I wish I was on yonder hill
   Alone in crowds to wander on
Shule aroon, '2nd setting
Sly Patrick
   Has sorrow thy young days shaded
Stormy voyage
   Captain Thompson
Sleep on, my Kathleen dear
Setting of the sun
Swift from the covert
Sloan's lamentation
Soldier and sailor
Slieve Gallen

Sit under my protection
Skylark, the
She's far from the land
   Could the voice that I loved?
Summer evening
Shady groves
Saturday night
Shepherd, the
Silver crown
Smile of Nancy Barlow
St. Patrick's Day
   Though dark be our sorrows
Sligo air
Streams of Bunclody
She's a dear maid to me
Sad is my fate
Sweet Molly
Sixpence, the
   It is not the tear this moment shed
Strolling mason
Sit down beside me
Sorrowful maiden
Summer is come
Sweet Molly Malone
Snow storm, the
Seige of Rochelle
Sit around the cheerful hearth
Streamlet the
Southern breeze
Snowy breasted pearl
   Ope thy casement, lady bright
She's as false as she's fair
Save me from death
   Awake the heart's slumbers
Sweet Kathleen machree
Silken cravat, the
Spring into the drink
Sheridan of Coolcannig
Skipping through the daisies
St. Patrick was a gentleman
   The house that Pat built
Sailor Jack
Sparkling blue eyes

Teige Maire's daughter
   I wish you were my darling
They are gone
True love can ne'er forget
Twisting of the rope
   How dear to me the hour
'Twas on a summer morning
Tossing of the hay
Thy fair bosom
   Night closed around
   After the battle
Tossing on the waves
Thou, of the beautiful hair
Take hence the bowl
Threadbare coat
   Boatman of Kinsale
To Limerick we go
There's an end to my sorrow
Turlough, the brave
   The river Lee
Tralibane bridge
Tell me, dear Eveleen
   On a green bank Mary was scaled
Tyrone castle
   Remember thee
   The right road
Traveller, the
Thou art gone far away
This is not my sweetheart
Tall, slender maiden
Take back the virgin page

Woods of Kilmurry
Will they ever return?
Widow's daughter
Were I a clerk
   You remember Ellen
When you meet a pretty girl
Willy Reilly
Widowed bride
When a man's in love he feels no cold
Wild geese, the
Wheelwright, the
   Penal days
When first I met thee
   O! Patrick, fly from me
Wink of her eye
Who are you?
When I crossed the valley
While gazing on the moonlight
Winter is past
   Curragh of Kildare
Winsome widow
We met at the fair
Weary maid, the
Wild Irish boy
Windy height
Will my love be true?
Whistle, and I'll wait for you
   Since love is the plan
White bread and butter
Within this village dwells a maid, No. 1
   When I breathe a fond adieu
Within this village dwells a maid, No. 2
Wearing of the green
Where are you going love? No. 1
White mountain maid
Whin blossom
Where's the slave so lovely?
Where are you going love? No. 2
When Erin first rose
When we were girls together
When the cock crows it is day, 1st setting
When the cock crows it is day, 2nd setting

Young black cow
Young Kate of Kilcummer
   The blackbird and the thrush
Young lady, the
You never saw Rosey
Young man's dream
   When that mild eye is beamin'
   As a beam o'er the face of the waters
Yellow garron
You need not fear
You stole away my heart
You'll not deceive me again
Young woman's lament

Abigail Judge

Beauty in tears
Bumper Squire Jones
Blind Mary

Captain O'Kane
   The wounded hussar
   The small birds rejoice
Catherine Nowlan

Dawning of the day
Dermot O'Dowd

Eveleen's bower
   Oh! weep for the hour

Fairy Queen
   Before the battle

Grassy turf
Generous woman

Isabella Burke

John O'Reilly, the Active
   Oh! think not my spirits are always as light

Lamentation of Owen Roe O'Neill
Little harvest rose

Morning of life
My Dermot

O'Carolan's Devotion, 1st setting
O'Carolan's Devotion, 2nd setting
O'Carolan's Concerto
O'Carolan's Receipt for drinking
   Planxty Stafford
One bottle more
O'Carolan's Farewell
O'Carolan's Farewell to Music

Princess royal .
Planxty Johnston
Planxty Geo. Brabazon
Planxty Nancy McDermott
Planxty Madam Maxwell
Planxty O'Rourke
Planxty Dobbins
Planxty Mary O'Neill
Planxty Kitty O'Brien
Planxty Burke
Planxty O'Reilly
   The wandering bard
Planxty Mrs. O'Conor
Planxty Denis O'Conor
   Wear with me thy rosy wreath
Planxty O'Carolan
Planxty O'Flynn
Planxty Sudley
   Oh! the sight entrancing
Planxty Charles Coote
Planxty Miss Burke
Planxty Fanny Power
   The Invocation
Planxty O'Kelly
   Fly not yet
Planxty Lady Wrixon
Planxty Nancy Vernon
   Oh! Sheela thou art my darling
Planxty Irwin
   Oh! banquet not
Planxty Toby Peyton, 1st setting
Planxty Toby Peyton, 2nd setting
Planxty Toby Peyton, 3rd setting
Planxty Corcoran
Planxty Hugh O'Donnell
Planxty O'Neill
Planxty Scott
Planxty Tom Judge
Planxty Lady Athenry
Planxty Sir Ulick Burke
Planxty O'Daly
Planxty Wilkinson
Planxty Drew
Planxty Drury
   Oh! will you sit in the bower?
Planxty Browne
Planxty Lady Blaney
Planxty Thomas Burke
Planxty Maguire
Planxty Sir Festus Burke
Planxty Madam Crofton
Planxty Edmond Dodwell

Thomas Leixlip, the Proud


Young Catherine
As I went forth to view the plain
Young Terence McDonough
   The moon dimmed her beams
   Once again, but how changed
Young Bridget
Young William Plunkett


A visit to Ireland
Absent-minded man
All covered with moss
A night at the fair
A trip to the cottage
A merry Christmas
Active old man
Antrim lasses
A draught of ale
Ask my father
Angry Peeler
All alive
Apples in winter

Basket of turf
Banish misfortune
Blazing turf fire
Book of Rights
Ballahaboy fair
Besom in bloom
Blackeyed Biddy
Boys of the town
Billy Barlow
Best in the bag
Butchers march
   Hooley aud fairly
Bow-legged tailor
Bryan O'Lynn
Boiled goats milk
Boy from the glens
Behind the haystack
Black rogue
   The black joke
   Michael Mulloy
   Johnny McGill
   Shane Glas
   Sublime was the warning
   Shandrum boggoon
   Come under my plaiddie
Blooming meadows, 1st setting
Blooming meadows, 2nd setting
Bridget McRory
Boys of Ballinamore
Barndoor jig
Black Donald, the piper
Bessy Murphy

Bolt the door
Boy from the mountain
Boys of Ballinafad
Bucks of Westmeath
Beauties of Ireland
Biddys's wedding
Breeches Mary
Before I was married
Buttermilk Mary
Biddy Maloney
Boys of the West
Bashful maid
Barronstown races
Bunch of roses
Bold John O'Leary
Banks of Lough Gowna
Blue bonnets jig (Irish version)
Butcher's cave
Boys of Coomanore
Barefoot boy
Blarney Pilgrim
Barney O'Neill
Be easy, you rogue!
Behind the bush in the garden
   We have no king but Charley

Castle Donovan
Contentment is wealth
Cherish the ladies
Connie, the soldier
   Humors of Abbeyfeale
Courtney's favorite
Con Casey's Jig
Condon's frolics
Cliffs of Moher
Charley, the prayermaster
Cat in the corner
Charming young widow
Charlie Stewart
Christening, the
Come now, or stay
Connachtman's rambles
Come to your dinner
Cook in the kitchen
Connachtman, the
Child of my heart
Come in from the rain
Crabs in the skillet

Doctor O'Neill
Denis Delaney
Do you want any more?
Daniel O'Rourke
Dan Roger's Jig
Darby, the driver
Drive the cows home
Doherty's fancy
Day after the fair
Dandy bonnet, the
Dancingmaster, the
Dunmanway lasses
Daniel of the sun
   Tady you gander
   'Tis sweet to think
   Bully for you
   The leg of a duck
Dick Sullivan's favorite
Drink and be merry
Doctor O'Halloran
Dairy maid, 1st setting
Dairy maid, 2nd setting

East at Glandart
Easter Sunday
End of the day
Ellis's Jig

Friendly Jack
Father Dollard's favorite
Fiddlers' heaven
Flaxdresser, the
Father O'Carroll
First night in America
Fasten the leg in her
Father Jack Walsh
   Tatter Jack Walsh
   To Cashel I'm going
Farewell, sweet Nora
Fat man's fancy
Fairhaired boy
Fisherman's widow
Farewell to my troubles
Father Fielding's favorite
   Ella Rosenberg
Father Tom's wager
Fishing for eels
Finerty's frolic
   Bliven's favorite
Fardown farmer
Flitch of bacon
Fisherman's frolic
Felix, the wrestler
Frieze breeches
   I buried my wife and danced on top of her
Field of flowers

Guiry's favorite
Gold ring, the
Galway, Tom, 1st setting
Galway, Tom, 2nd setting
Get up early
Grumbling rustic
Girls of Banbridge
Gobby O!
Grandfather's pet
Gallant Tipperary
   The young May moon
Goat's horns, the
Gaelic Club, the
   Battle of Limerick
   The bivouac
   We may roam thro' this world
Green sleeves
Gallowglass, the
Green meadow
Glens of Mayo
Geese in the bog
Going to Donnybrook
Get up old woman and shake yourself
Gillan's apples
Gudgeon of Maurice's car

Humors of Bantry
Highway to Dublin
Have a drink on me
Hag with the money
Hare in the corn, No. 1
Hare in the corn, No. 2
Humors of Cappa
Humors of whiskey
Humors of Bandon
Humors of Tralibane
Happy to meet and sorry to part
Humors of Ballycastle
Hartigan's fancy
Humors of Ballingarry

Humors of Mullinafauna
Highlander, the
Hide and go seek
Humors of Limerick
   Judy Flannagan
How are you Kitty?
Handy with the stick
House in the glen
Hush the cat
   Dance light, for my heart lies under your feet
Humors of Castlecomer
Humors of Winter
Humors of Passage
Humors of Trim
Humors of Castle Lyons
Holly tree, the
Haste to the wedding
   A trip to the Gargle
   Let brainspinning swains
Humors of Drinagh
Hinchy's delight
Humors of Dingle
Humors of Cavan
Humors of Cork
Humors of Ballinafauna
House in the glen
Humors of Ballydehob
How much has she got?

I know what you like
Idle road, the
Is it the priest you want?
I do not incline
   Up and awa
I'll neither spin nor weave

Jackson's frieze coat
Jerry's beaver hat
John White's mother
Julia McMahon
Joy of my life
Jolly Corkonian
   Hills of Glenorchy
John, the blacksmith
Jolly old man
Jackson's bottle of brandy
Jackson's morning brush
Jackson's cravat
Jackson's fancy
Joy be with you
Jackson's ramble
Jackson's rolling Jig
Jimmy O'Brien's Jig
Jolly Joker
Jackson's maid
Jack Loughlin
Johnny the Jumper

King of the pipers
Kitty Magee
Kerry cobbler
Kelly the rake
Kilkenny Jig
Kilkenny girl
Katie's fancy
Kitty come over
Killashandra lasses
Kinnegad slashers
   Land of sweet Erin
   The powers of whiskey
   Bannocks of barley meal
Kiss me, darling
Kneebuckle the
Kit O'Mahony's Jig
Kitty's rambles
Kilfinane Jig
Kiss me, sweetheart
Kitty of Oulart

Lame Crowley
Lannigan's ball
Larry O'Gaff, 1st setting
Larry O'Gaff, 2nd setting
Larry Grogan
Ladies of Carrick
Limerick tinker
Little house under the hill
Lock the door
Laccaroo boys
Long John's wedding
Lark in the morning, 1st setting
Lark in. the morning, 2nd setting
Little grey church
Luck-penny, the

Malowney's wife
Maid at the well
Moll in the wad
Merry old maid
Money in both pockets
Mountainy boy
Miss Bruce
Move up to me
Miller of Glanmire
Merry old woman, 1st setting
Merry old woman, 2nd setting
My former wife
Maid on the green
My darling asleep
Market town, the
Miss Monroe's jig
Miners of Wicklow
My brother Tom
Mixing the punch
Mountaineers' march
Monaghan jig
   The clay pipe
Mooncoin jig
Morgan Rattler
Merry maiden
Maguire's kick
Miss Casey
Man who died and rose again

McArdle's favorite

Nightcap, the
Nolan, the soldier
Nothing can sadden us
Nell Flaherty's drake
   The widow's curse
New pair of shoes
Nancy Hynes
New cloak, the
New-married couple
   Joys of wedlock
Northern road
   Stir your feet, Johnny

One-legged man, No. 1
Off to the hunt
Out with the boys, 1st setting
Out with the boys, 2nd setting
Old woman tossed up in a blanket
   Sweeping the cobwebs out of the sky

Out on the ocean
Old man Dillon
Old man's delight
Our own little isle
Orange rogue
   Bunch of Clover
Old Nora
   Nora Creena
   Hushed he sorrow's sigh
   Lesbia hath a beaming eye
One, before we go
Off she goes
One-legged man, No. 2
Owen Malone
Old grey goose
O'Gallagher's frolics
Old as the hills
Old horned sheep
O'Reilly's favorite
One-horned cow

Pipe on the hob
Priest with the collar
Paddy Whack
   When history's muse
Paddy from Portlaw
Pretty Jane
Penniless traveller
Priests leap
Philip O'Neill
Pipers picnic
Petticoat loose
Palm Sunday
Paddy O'Rafferty
   Drink of this cup
Paddy, the piper
Priest and his boots
   Paddy's trip from Dublin
   Larry O' Lashem
   Bounce upon Bess
   There are sounds of mirth
Paddy O'Carroll
   Bad luck to this marching
Paddy's resource
   Ill omens
Paddy in London
Put on your clothes
Paddy "Go easy"

Red stockings
Road to Lurgan
Races at Carrick
Rakes of Kildare
Rory O'Moore
   King of Leix march
   Good omens
Rakes of Clonmel
   Boys of the Lough
Ranting rake
Redhaired hag
Runaway bride
Rambler from Clare
Ruins of Killmallock
Rivals, the

Saddle the pony, 1st setting
Saddle the pony, 2nd setting
Sergt. Early's jig
Storyteller, the
Slattery's fancy
Shandon bells
Sheep on the mountains
Straw seat
Sergt. Cahill's favorite
Sporting bachelor
Stagger the buck
Snug in the blanket
Silken wallet
Sod of turf
Smash the windows
Scatter the mud, 1st setting
Scatter the mud, 2nd setting
Short grass, the
Spotted cow, the
Stack the rags
Sergt. Stack's favorite
Strike the young harp
   The night dance
Spinner's lilt
Spring well, the
Sweet Biddy Daly
   An Irishman's love
Strop the razor, 1st setting
Strop the razor, 2nd setting

Tim, the thatcher
Tell her I am
Templehouse jig, 1st setting
Templehouse jig, 2nd setting
Tobin's favorite
Tie the petticoat together
   The bonnie Highlander
Trip it up stairs
Tailor's thimble
Tailor's wedding
   Skiver the quilt
Thrush's nest
Tip the cruiskeen
Tatter the road
Tenpenny bit, 1st setting
Tenpenny bit, 2nd setting
Top of the hill
Tongs by the fire
Thief of Lough Erne
Three little drummers
Threshing the Barley
Tim Hogan's jig
Top of Cork road
   Father O'Flynn
Thatcher, the
Twopenny jig
Take it easy

Unfortunate rake
   Wandering Harper

Victor's return

Walls of Liscarroll
When sick, is it tea you want?
Welcome to Cork
Widow Brady
White petticoat
Wheels of the world
Wellington's advance
Willy Walsh's jig
Will you come home with me? 1st setting
Will you come home with me? 2nd setting
Wasn't she fond of me?
Whiskey and water
Wait awhile
   Lady Wemys' jig
When William at eve
Woodcock, the
Wallop the potlid
Walk out of it, Hogan
What ails you?
Wallop the spot

Yellow little boy
Yellow flail
Younng Francis Mooney
Young Tim Murphy
Young Tom Ennis


A blast of wind
A whack at the whigs
   Leather the wig
Another jig will do!
A fig for a kiss

Blind Billy
Boys of Ballysadare
Barney Brallaghan
Bunch of haws
Biddy from Limerick

Crow's nest, the
Come up stairs with me

Dever, the dancer
Don't leave me alone
Dublin streets
Dress her out in fine clothes

Ellen O'Grady

Funny mistake

Give us a drink of water
Gurty's frolics

Hardy man, the fiddler
Humors of Ballymanus
Here's good health to the piper
Hunting the hare
Hills of Ireland

Irish girl, the
I'm the boy for bewitching them

Jack on the green
Jerry Houlihan
Johnny O'Shea

Kid on the mountain

Light and airy

Merry tailor
My mind will never be "aisy"
Melancholy Martin
Magowan's jig
Moll Roe
   One bumper at parting
   The Munsterman's flattery
   The market slake

Paddy, now, won't you be easy?
Paddy O'Snap
   Quick, we have but a second

Rocky road to Dublin
Roudledum, 1st setting
   Roll round the world, as it will
Roundledum, 2nd setting
Reaping the rye
Riding a mile, 1st setting
Riding a mile, 2nd setting
Road to Athlone
Swaggering jig
   Oh! the marriage
Sir Philip Mchugh

Tea in the morning
Terry heigh ho, the grinder, 1st setting
   Its little for glory I care
Terry heigh ho, the grinder, 2nd setting
Top the candle!
Tipperary hills

Up and down again

Will you come down to Limerick? 1st setting
Will you come down to Limerick? 2nd setting
Will you come in?
Wild colt, the

Yellow legs


All hands around
Avonmore, the
   The Blackwater
A rainy day
A bright May morning
Annie O'Neill
A ha'penny for a cotton ball
A cloudy morning
An ugly customer
Around the world for sport
A moonlight ramble
After the sun goes down
Are you willing?

Broken pledge
Bank of Ireland
Bantry lasses
Big Pat's reel
Bucks of Oranmore
Bunch of green rushes
Buckley's fancy
Bloom of youth
Boys of Ballinchalla
Boyne hunt
Bush in bloom
Boys of Portaferry
Bridget McBride
Bonnie Kate
Ballinasloe fair
Blackberry blossom
Blackhaired lass
Beamish's goat
Bottle of porter
Boys of Galway
Boys of Cappoquin
Belfast lasses
Bonnie boy
Bashful bachelor
Bill Clancy's delight
Blackeyed sailor
Butcher's apron
Bouncing boy
Blue garters

Craig's reel
Captain O'Neill
   The charms of music
Chorus reel
Colonel Fraser

Clock in the steeple
Come to the dance
Colonel Hopkins
Colonel Rodney
Curragh races
Christening, the
Cunningham's fancy
Cahill's courtship
Captain Kelly's reel
Casey, the whistler
Cashmere shawl
Comely maiden
Come to the bottle house
Col McBain
Collier's reel
Castle Island
Considine's grove
Coming over the hills
Comely Jane Downing
Courting them all
Callan lasses
Contradiction reel
Cameronian reel
Clarkson's reel
Corney is coming
Cronins favorite

Day we paid the rent
Dillon Brown
Daisy field
Dillon's fancy
Dogs among the bushes
Dan McCarthy's fancy
Drogheda lasses
Dancer's delight
Dublin lasses
Don't bother me
Dr. Taylor
Dublin reel
Drowsy Maggie
Drummond lasses
Dooley's fancy
Dandy Denny Cronin
Duffy, the dancer

Ewe reel
Early rising

Flogging reel
First month of summer
Flower of the flock
Five-leaved clover
Far from home
Follow me down to Carlow, 1st setting
Follow me down to Carlow, 2nd setting
Flowing bowl
Fermoy lasses
First of March
Farewell to Iveleary
Flax in bloom
Four courts, No. 1
Four courts, No. 2
Five miles away
Farewell to Erin
Fairhaired Mary
Fair and forty
Field of oats
Fourpenny bit
From shore to shore
Four-hand reel
   Corporal Casey

Girl who broke my heart
Green mountain
Green fields of America
   Charming Mollie Brallaghan
Gooseberry bush
Green branch
Green linnet
Goldfinch, the
Grey daylight
Grey beard, the
Going to the fair
Green groves of Erin
Girls, will you take him?
Green garters
Good morning to your night cap
Green jacket
Galbally lasses
Girl with the laughing eyes
Give us another
Grey plover

Humors of Westport
Happy days of youth
How the money goes
Highway to Limerick
Humors of Ballinacarrig
Harvest field
Hornless cow
Humors of Schull
Humors of Newcastle

I have no money
I'm ready now
Ivyleaf, the, 1st setting
Ivyleaf, the, 2nd setting
I'm waiting for you
Irish Music Club

Johnny's wedding
Jim Moore's fancy
Jolly journeyman
John O'Neill's reel
Jennie, rock the cradle
Johnny with the queer thing
Jim Kennedy's favorite
Jenny Pippin
Johnny's welcome home
Jenny picking cockles
Jack Dolan
Jerry Hayes
Julia Delaney
Johnny has gone to France
Jimmy's return
Jenny's welcome to Charley
Jolly weaver
Jolly seven
Jenny's wedding
Jolly tinker
Jug of punch

Kate Kelly's fancy
Kitty Losty's reel
Kiss the maid behind the barrel
Kiss me, Kate
Kerry huntsman
Keeper hill
Kiss the bride
Kiss your partner

Leave my way
Lame fisherman
Ladies' pantalettes
London lasses
Lovely Molly
Lawson's favorite
Lough Allen

Leitrim thrush
Lady behind the boat
Lord McDonald
Lady Forbes
Lord Gordon's reel
Limerick lasses
Lightning flash
Ladies of Leinster
Linen cap
Lisburn lasses
Lady Mary Ramsey
Little Katey Kearney
Leather buttons
Larry Lavin's choice

Milliner's daughter
Music in the glen
Morning star
Merry days of Easter
My Maryanne
Miss Crawford
Mourne mountains
Maud Miller
Miss McDonald
Macroom lasses
My love is fair and handsome
Messenger, the
Mountain lark, No. 1
Mountain lark, No. 2
Mary Grace
Miller's maid
Miss Thornton's reel
Merry sisters, the
Musical priest
Miller's daughter
Mary O'Neill's fancy
More luck to us
Miss Monaghan
Merry merchant
Minister's daughter
Miss Brady
My love is in America
Miltown maid, the
Mother-in-law, the
Merry harriers, 1st setting
Merry harriers, 2nd setting
Mason's apron
Man with the money
Money Musk (Irish version)
Molly, put the kettle on
Magpie's nest
Miss Campbell
Miss Johnson
Mills are grinding, 1st setting
Mills are grinding, 2nd setting
Maple tree, the
Man of the house
Maid that dare not tell
Miss Patterson
Maids of Mitchellstown
Molly, what ails you?
Miss McLeod's reel (Irish version)
Maurice Casey's fancy
Mooncoin reel
Mickey by the fireside
Miss Wallace
Maid at the churn
Molly Malone
More power to your elbow
Maid of Athlone
My honey in the house
Mollie McCarthy
Merry blacksmith
   Ike Forrester's reel
Murtough Mulloy
Monday Morning
Mullingar races
Maid in the cherry tree
My sweet heart Jane
Mountain rose

McFadden's handsome daughter
McFadden's own reel
McLean's favorite
McFadden's favorite

New demesne, 1st setting
New demesne, 2nd setting
New road, the
New mail-coach
Nellie O'Donovan
Nora O'Neill
New potatoes
Northern lasses

Over the bridge to Peggy
O'Dwyer's reel
Old pensioner
Old grey gander
Our Highland cousins
O'Reilly's fancy
Old maids of Galway
Old schoolmaster
On the river bank
O'Reilly's greyhound

Paddy Ryan's dream, 1st setting
Paddy Ryan's dream, 2nd setting
Peeler's jacket
   Flannel jacket
Pleasures of home
Peggy on the settle
   Kitty Clover
   Boil the breakfast early
Peter Kennedy's fancy
Pure drop, the
Peter street
Pat Tuohy's reel
Pick your partner
Pretty blue seagull
Pigeon on the gate
Push about the jorum
Plaid mantle
Pretty Peggy
Paddy's surprise
Piper's son
Paddy Murphy's wife

Repeal of the Union
Roll her on the mountain
Rose in the garden
Reel of Mullinavat
Robin redbreast
Rambler's rest
Reel of Bogie
Roving bachelor
Roseland hill
Rambling sailor
Rolling down the hill
Rakish Paddy
Rolling on the ryegrass
   The Shannon breeze
   The Rathkeale hunt
   Maureen playboy
   Old Mollie Ahern

Silver tip, the
Spinning wheel
Sheehan's reel

Star of Munster
Ships are sailing
Swallows tail
Sligo chorus
Sweet Biddy of Ballyvourney
Satin slipper
Snow on the hills
Salamanca reel
Star of Kilkenny
Sporting boys
Strawberry blossom, 1st setting
Strawberry blossom, 2nd setting
Sailor's jacket
Sailor's return
Spinner's delight
Smash the windows
Sligo lasses
Sergt. Early's dream
Sleepy Maggie
Scolding wife
Second wedding
Sailor's cravat
Skibbereen lasses
Sauntering in the lane
Smoky house
Scotch Mary
Shearing the sheep
Same old story

Take your choice
Toss the feathers, 1st setting
Toss the feathers, 2nd setting
Templehouse reel
Twin brothers
Tear the calico
Tom Steele
Trim the velvet
Timothy Downing
Thompson's reel
Tie the bonnet
Tie the ribbons
Threepenny bit
Touch me if you dare, No. 1
Touch me if you dare, No. 2
   You rogue you darn't medle me
Tady's wattle
Tit for tat
Traveller, the
   Walker street
Tent at the fair
Turkeys in the straw

Woman of the house
Wexford lasses
Within a mile of Clonbur
Welcome home
Within a mile of Dublin
Winter apples
Wind that shakes the barley
William White's reel
Women's rock
Western lasses

Youngest daughter
You never saw her equal
Young Arthur Daly
You're right, my love


An echo from Leinster
Alexander's hornpipe
A stranger from Limerick
Autumn woods
Always welcome
A prize for the ladies

Bantry Bay
Boys from Scart
Big Dan O'Mahony
Banks of the Ilen
Boys of Ballysimon
Banks of the Nile
Byrne's hornpipe
Belfast hornpipe
Boys from the East
Bill Black's hornpipe
Bath road hornpipe
Ballincollig in the morning
Boys of Bluehill
Bonaparte's defeat
Belles of Clonallen
Bridge of Athlone
Bill Ellis's hornpipe
Billy Taylor's fancy
Balfe's hornpipe
Back of the haggard
Bonnie Anne
Baldheaded bachelor
Bantry hornpipe

Chief O'Neill's favorite
Cloone hornpipe
Crossroads dance
Coey's hornpipe
Coming from the wedding
Cronin's rambles
Clark's hornpipe
Chief O'Neill's visit
Corney Drew's hornpipe
Captain O'Cleary's hornpipe
Cuckoo's nest, 1st setting
Cuckoo's nest, 2nd setting
Cooncy's hornpipe
Caroline O'Neill's hornpipe

Dunphy's hornpipe
Downfall of Paris
Devil's dream
Dublin hornpipe
Dancing on the green
Durang's hornpipe
Dick Sand's hornpipe

Echo, the
Early in the morning
Everybody's fancy

Fisher's hornpipe, 1st setting
Fisher's hornpipe, 2nd setting
First of June
Fair maidens
Farm hornpipe
Fiddler's frolic
Full of the bag
Flowers of Antrim
Father Dollard's hornpipe
Field marshal
Flowers of spring
Frost and snow
Friendly visit
First of May
Fiddler's contest
Fairies' hornpipe
Flowers of Edinburgh
   Cois lasadh
Fancy fair
Faithful friend

Greencastle hornpipe
Groves hornpipe
Glengariff Bay
Galway Bay
Goodnatured man
Glasgow hornpipe
Green flag
Golden vale
Gil more's hornpipe
Glen hornpipe
Gillespie's hornpipe
Glories of Spring
Green Island

Halfway house
Hick's hornpipe
Harvest home
Handy man
Humors of Ballyconnell
Hugh McArdle's fancy
Humors of Enniskean
Hull's victory
Hunters hornpipe
Handsome plowboy
Humphrey's hornpipe
Higgins' hornpipe
Higgins' best
Hawk's hornpipe
Humor's of Castle Bernard

I'm waiting for you

Jerry Daly's hornpipe, 1st setting
Jerry Daly's hornpipe, 2nd setting
Julia's wedding
Jolly little boy
Jack's the lad
   The College hornpipe
Jim Boulton's fancy
John Carey's daughter

Kildare hornpipe
Kit O'Mahony's hornpipe
Kitty's wedding
   Smith's delight
Kilfinane hornpipe

Liverpool hornpipe
Lady Day
Last of the twins
Little stack of barley
   Little Mary cassidy
Light in the window
Larry Lynch's hornpipe
Lakeside road
Limerick Junction
Londonderry hornpipe

Miss Brown's fancy
Men from Mallow
Mountain top
Mullingar races, 1st setting
Mullingar races, 2nd setting
Maid of Listowell
Murray's hornpipe
Midnight dance
Murphy's hornpipe
Merry soldier
   The lamplighter
Molly in the garden
My darling fair maid
Men from Ulster
Mitchell's hornpipe
Man from Newy
Mountains of Kerry
Merry gardener
Merrymakers' Club
McDermott's hornpipe
McElligott's fancy

New moon, the
Night we made the match
Northern troupe
Nelson's victory
Ned Naughton's hornpipe

O'Dwyer's hornpipe
O'Gallagher's hornpipe
O 'Fenlon's hornpipe
Off to California, 1st setting
Off to California, 2nd setting
Old man Quinn
O'Connor's fancy
O'Donnell's hornpipe
Old west and cravat
O'Connor's favorite
One of the boys
Old storyteller
O'Neill's hornpipe

Planxty Davis
   Battle of Killicrankie
Post Office
Pleasures of hope
Pipers' despair
Peacemaker, the
Pansy blossom
Pride of the parish
Pretty Maggie Morrissey
Pet of the house
   The Coliseum

Quarrelsome piper
Queen of May

Real thing
Rose of Drishane
Rogers O'Neill
Reconciliation, the
Redhaired boy
Roger was a plowboy

Sailor's hornpipe, No. 1
Sailor's hornpipe, No. 2
Son of prosperity
Slipper hornpipe
Spellan's inspiration
Sweep's hornpipe
   The Great Eastern
Spellan's delight
Spellan's fancy
Spellan's fiddle
Smoky chimney
Scholar, the
Soldier's joy
Supple dancer
Star hornpipe
Sault's own hornpipe
Silk handkerchief
Sea captain
Spring garden
Sunrise, the
Shaskeen clog
Sorry, too late
Spellan, the fiddler

Southern shore
Sault's favorite
Seamen's Club

Tinware lass
Top of the morning
Trumpet hornpipe, 1st setting
Trumpet hornpipe, 2nd setting
Tobin's resource
Thirty years ago
Twilight star
Tomorrow morning
Tim, the turncoat
Threshers, the
Tullamore piper

Ulster hornpipe

Wicklow hornpipe
Whiskey, you're the devil
   The Gypsy hornpipe
Whistling Mike
Woods of Kilkenny
Widow Cantwell's fancy
Wandering Willy
Wily old bachelor
Where did you find her?
Whitney's fancy

Youghal Harbor
Young Edmond O'Neill


Ace and deuce of pipering, 1st setting
Ace and deuce of pipering, 2nd setting

Bonaparte's advance
Bonaparte's retreat
Bold deserter

Garden of daisies, 1st setting
Garden of daisies, 2nd setting

Hunt, the, 1st setting
Hunt, the, 2nd setting

Job of journeywork
Jockey at the fair

Lodge road

Poll Ha'penny

Rodney's glory
Rambling rake
Rub the bag

Three captains

Wood's lamentation
White blanket


Allistrum's march
Around the world for sport
Ah! sure, such a pair
A lovely lass to a friar came

Brian Boru's march
Biddy, I'm not jesting
Bonaparte crossing the Rhine
Blackheaded darling
Blackbird and the hen
Battle of Aughrim

Connacht outcry

Devil in Dublin
Dear little island

Fearless boys
Freedom for Ireland
Farewell to whiskey
Fox chase

Green flag flying before us

Hurlers' march
High cauled cap
How is your mother?
Heart and hand
Harrington Hall

I won't be a nun
Indeed, then, you won't

Johnny Cope (Irish version)

King of the rath

Leinster outcry

Marry the piper, girl
Miss Hamilton
Munster lass
Merry merchant
Martyr's lament
Munster outcry

New school

Paddy Carey

Rory of the hills
Rakes of Mallow
Return from Fingal
Rocks of Cashel

Shane O'Neill's march
Sweet Killaloe
Sir Patrick Bellew's march

Tommy Johnson

Ulster outcry

White cockade
With Paddy by my side

Yellow John, 1st setting
Yellow John, 2nd setting
You'll never be any good
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