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Mel Bay Publications, Inc.
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Designed for ukulele group leaders but equally usable by individuals, this ukulele manual includes instruction coupled with music and diagrams for each note and chord. With a tuned uke in hand, you can follow the clearly illustrated instructions to learn ten well-known Hawaiian classics, including Akahi Hoi, Hilo March, Koni Au, Beach at Waikiki, and more. Two separate sections, "melody sheets" and "supplementary strumming," facilitate reading. The melody section teaches you to pick each song in one key, then the strumming section shows you how to sing and strum the same songs in different keys. This approach makes it easy for players of varying ability levels to play together. With lyrics in native Hawaiian.
Akahi Hoi Written By King David Kalakaua
Akahi Hoi
Beautiful Ilima
Hawaii Aloha Composed By Rev. Lorenzo Lyons
Hilo March Written By Jospeh K. Ae'a
Koni Au
Koni Au Ika Wai Written By King David Kalakaua
Makalapua Music By Eliza Holt
O Makalapua
O, Beautiful Ilima Written By Princess Emma Alexandria Kano'a De Frie
On The Beach At Waikiki Written By Henry Kailimai
On The Beach At Waikiki
Pua Carnation
Pua Carnation Written By Charles E. King
Royal Hawaiian Hotel Mary Pula'a Robins
Strumming "Hawaii Aloha"
Strumming "Hilo March"
Strumming "Royal Hawaiian Hotel"
Strumming "Sweet Lei Lehua"
Sweet Lei Lehua Composed By King David Kalakaua
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