The Symbol of Peace (Digital Sheet Music)
There are signs and symbols in our lives of peace, we just need to look for them. Maybe it is a Friendship in your life that brings you peace, a habit, or a place in nature. The song ends on a Strong chord, the same chord it begins on just as each day starts with a symbol of a peaceful sunrise and ends with the same symbol, setting with the promise to rise again the next day.
Product Number:
Digital Sheet Music
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Notation Type:
Standard Notation
Digital Download
Mel Bay Publications, Inc.
Date Published:
There are signs and symbols in our lives of peace, we just need to look for them. Maybe it is a Friendship in your life that brings you peace, a habit, or a place in nature. The song ends on a Strong chord, the same chord it begins on just as each day starts with a symbol of a peaceful sunrise and ends with the same symbol, setting with the promise to rise again the next day.
The Symbol of Peace
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Digital Sheet Music
$ 3.99

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Format : Digital Sheet Music
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