Jazz Guitar Handbook (eBook + Online Audio)
Jazz Lines, Chords, Progressions & Improvisations
A handy, concise text containing the essential information needed to play great guitar. Seasoned instructor Alan de Mause presents the key ingredients of playing in position, fattening up single note lines, and using expressive jazz devices. He also offers instruction in improvisation, using functional chords for comping and substitution, as well as providing new jazz lines and studies. Written in standard notation only. Includes access to online audio.
Product Number:
eBook + Online Audio
Skill Level:
Notation Type:
Standard Notation
Mel Bay Publications, Inc.
Date Published:
A handy, concise text containing the essential information needed to play great guitar. Seasoned instructor Alan de Mause presents the key ingredients of playing in position, fattening up single note lines, and using expressive jazz devices. He also offers instruction in improvisation, using functional chords for comping and substitution, as well as providing new jazz lines and studies. Written in standard notation only. Includes access to online audio.
Playing in Position
Examples in II position
Fattening up single note lines
Expressive devices of jazz
Now and then: even time and swing time
Accented notes in off-beat phrasing
Ghosted notes
Hammer-ans and pull-offs
Slides, glisses, and fall-offs
Rhythmic displacement
Aids to improvisation
Arpeggio, scales, and modes
Arpeggios and modes of the C Major scale
Motives, licks, and riffs
Phrases and sequences
In a Yellow Phone
A sound basis: triads
Bottom set
Cycle of 5ths
Examples in progressions
Middle set
Progression using middle set
Top set
Progressions using mostly top set
When to use which set
The seventh chord family
C Major scale in seventh chords
Adjacent string and skipped string voicings
Knowing both by knowing one: conversion method
Seventh chords on the hottom adjacent string set
Peddling around the cycle of 5ths
Playing through the harmonized scale
An archetypal jazz progression: Ilm7 V7 IM7 VIm7
Seventh chords on the middle adjacent string set
A golden oldie progression with seventh chords: IM7 VIm7 Ilm7 V7
Something like Ba Ba Black Sheep
Ernie Kovacs revisited
Seventh Chords on the top adjacent string set
Summing up sets of sevenths
Assembling sevenths for service
low Clouds in the British Capital
Chord substitution
Simple substitute sounds
Getting more mileage from the Major harmonized scale
Partial substitutions for Major, dominant, and minor 9th
Other useful 7th chords: 7 5, 7#5, 7sus4, 0 7
Bottom set
Middle set
Top set
Illustrations of other useful 7th chords
A brief review
Using 3 note partial 7th chords with triads
Reducing the Major 7th chord and its inversions to three notes
Finale: In the Grand Tradition
Audio Sample 1
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