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Mel Bay Publications, Inc.
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A vivid collection of songs, ballads and dance melodies arranged in piano/vocal format. These melodies capture the vibrance of the Spanish culture and include guitar chords. All lyrics are presented in English and Spanish.
Una vívida colección de canciones, baladas y melodías de baile dispuestas en formato piano / vocal. Estas melodías capturan la vitalidad de la cultura española e incluyen acordes de guitarra. Todas las letras se presentan en inglés y español.
A dormir va la rosa (Now To Sleep Go The Roses)
Adios, rios, adios fontes (Good-Bye Rivers, Good-Bye Fountains)
Alala Galicia
Aquel pino...(That Pine Tree...) Extremadura
Ay Linda amiga (Ah Dearest Sweetheart)
Bailaor que estas bailando (Oh, You Dancer Who Is Dancing)
Canso de sega (Harvest Song) Mallorca
Canto de Romeria (Pilgrimage Song) Castilla
Cuando no lleva lucero (When Venus Does Not Appear) Fandango
Dije que no te queria-I Said That I Did Not Love You (Algun dia, vida mia-Every Day, My Darling) Jota
Dime, artillerito, donde vas? (Oh Say, Young Artillery Man, Where You're Bound) Asturias
El fandango de Castalla (The Fandango From Castalla)
Enferma de amor (Lovesick) Mallorca
Eres aguila real-You Are A Royal Eagle (Yo quisiera ser guitarra-I Would Like to Be A Guitar) Jota
Estoy sonando con ella (I'm Dreaming Of Her) Andalucia
La cana (Sugar Cane) Andalusia
La huevera (The Egg Lady) Salamanca
Lagrimas (Tears) Malaguena
Las palabras, amor mio...(All Those Words, My Dear Beloved...) Santander
Las tres cautivas (The Three Captives)
Los bibilicos (The Nightingales)
Los Cuatro Generales (The Four Insurgent Generals)
Malaguenas Al Emigrante (Malaguenas For The Emigrant) Jeronimo de Francisco
Marcha-alborada (Dawn-March) Galicia
Me llamaste Morenita (You Called Me Little Dark-Skin) Asturias
Mis panales (My Diapers) Jaen
Moza navarra-Navarra Beauty (Pastora-Shepherdess)
Navarrica, navarrica-The Girl From Navarra (Compre una mula en Tafalla-I Bought A Mule In Tafalla) Jota
Pies lla llos gueyinos (Close Your Sleepy Eyes) Asturias
Quita la mula rucia (UnhitchThe Light-Brown Mule) Murcia
Serrana (Mountain Girl) Cordoba
Serranilla (Mountain Song) Avila
Si Me Quieres Escribir (If You Want To Write To Me)
Un nino cieguecito (A Little Blind Boy) Bolero
Venga jaleo (Join In The Struggle)
Venias de la Mejana-You Came From La Mejana (Morena salada-Dark-Haired Enchantress) Jota
Viva la Quince Brigada (Long Live The Fifteenth Brigade)
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