Product Number:
Book + Online Audio
Skill Level:
Perfect Binding
8.75 x 11.75
Mastering the Guitar
Mel Bay Publications, Inc.
Date Published:
Absolutely the best, most comprehensive new method available for guitar. Introducing the innovative new Zone Concept for learning position playing. Over 150 solos and duets in the keys of C, G, D, and B minor. Musical styles: bossa nova, Latin, fiddle/tunes/ hornpipes/reels, Celtic music, ragtime, baroque, jazz, swing jazz ballads, American folk ballads, rock, early-American hymnody, be-bop, blues, samba, and tango. Concepts presented: basic improvisation, rhythmic variation, velocity studies, sight-reading, passing tone studies , chord progression studies, arpeggio studies, dropped-D tuning, blues, blues turn-arounds, licks/fills/ breaks, bass runs, principles of memorization, chord studies, minor pentatonic scale, principles of successful practice, priciples of successful performance, movable power chords, and rock comping. New Composers featured: J.S. Bach,Carcassi, Moaazni, Giuliani, Carulli, Vivaldi, Handel, Sor, Galilei, Tarrega, Debussy, H.L. Clark, St. Jacome, Corelli, Johann Krieger, Wohlfahrt, Jeremiah Clarke, plus guitar duos on selections from Handel's Water Music, Vivaldi's Four Seasons, and selected Bach cantatas. Includes access to extensive online audio.
"A" Boogie (Not On Audio)
"A" Drive (Not On Audio)
"D" Blues
"To Carlos"
Air (From Suite #3) Johann Sebastian Bach; Arr By
Alastair's Lament
Allegro Giuliani,
An Comhra Donn
Arkansas Traveler Mel Bay
Atlantic Blues
Autumn Vivaldi,
Avenging And Bright Thomas Moore,
B Minor Etude #1
B Minor Etude #2
B Minor Swing
B Minor Waltz
Back Manner Tune
Bad Vibes
Barney's Goat
Basic Arpeggios
Basic Arpeggios (Not On Audio)
Basic Arpeggios (Not On Audio)
Basic Chords And Arpeggios In Bm
Bass Runs (Not On Audio)
Bennett's Favorite Reel
Black And White Rag
Blue Vibes
Bonaparte Crossing The Rhine
Bop City
Bourree J.S. Bach,
Bourree (From Suite #2)
Brandywine Hornpipe
Brighton Beach
Buttermilk Jig
C Progression In Arpeggio Form
Can't Do That
Canary Jig
Casa Loma Stomp
Catawissa Gavotte
Chord Exercises In D (Not On Audio)
Chord Studies In B Minor (Not On Audio)
Chord Studies In C
Chord Studies In D (Not On Audio)
Chord Studies In G (Not On Audio)
Clair De Lune Debussy,
Copley Two Step
Cottonwood Samba
D String Boogie (Not On Audio)
Dauphine Strut
Days Of 'Lang Syne
Deco Dance
Drive Me Away
Driving Rock
El Brujo
Etude Clodmir,
Etude Sor
Etude Mozzani,
Etude Wohlfahrt,
Etude #11 Francisco Tarrega,
Evening Shade
Extended Range Etude
Fair Flower Of Northumberland
Fifth Avenue Swing
Fingerstyle Etude
Fingerstyle Etude #1
Fingerstyle Etude #2
Flatpick Arps
For Maya
For The New One
Fourth String Study #1 (Not On Audio)
Fugue In D Fernando Carulli,
Funky Sixth (Not On Audio)
G Scale Velocity Study #1 (Not On Audio)
G Scale Velocity Study #4 (Not On Audio)
G Scale Veloctiy Study #2 (Not On Audio)
G Scale Veloctiy Study #3 (Not On Audio)
Gavotte (From Cello Suite #6) J.S. Bach,
Gee Bop Blues
Gladiator Reel
Goin' Home Blues
Good Times
Got It
Got The Time
Green Fields Of America
Groove Time
Harvest Moon Strathspey
Havana Taxi
Hazy Afternoon
Hired Hands
Hornpipe From 'Water Music' Handel
In Motion
Ivy Leaf Reel Zeke Backus
Jesu, Joy Of Man's Desiring J.S. Bach
Jezebel Carol
Jock O'hazeldean
Jungle Fever
Lagoa Azul
Last Tango In Skokie
Leather Britches
Licks/Fills/Breaks In B Minor (Not On Audio)
Licks/Fills/Breaks In C (Not On Audio)
Licks/Fills/Breaks In D (Not On Audio)
Licks/Fills/Breaks In G (Not On Audio)
Little Chorale
Logan Shuffle
Losin' You
Lost Indian
Louisiana Connection
Lovely Love
Low Rider
Luckie Bawdins' Reel
Luna Noche
Mama Don't 'Low
Mama's Blues
Marziale St. Jacome
Menuett (Duet) G.P. Telemann
Midnight Stroll
Minuet Johann Krieger
Miss Mccloud's Reel
Missouri Mud
Mother Has Come With Her Beautiful Song
National Lancer's Hornpipe
Neapolitan Threshers
Never Too Late
No Goodbyes
Noel Nouvelet
North Sea
Northumbrian Dance
Op.100 No.2 M. Giuliani
Pacific Blues
Passing Tone Arpeggio Study #1 (Not On Audio)
Passing Tone Study #1 (Not On Audio)
Passing Tone Study #2 (Not On Audio)
Passing Tone Study #3 (Not On Audio)
Pepe's Visit
Prelude Sor
Prelude In C Major J.S. Bach
Preludio Corelli
Pretty Saro
Puttin' On The Glitz
Ragtime Reel
Rhythmic Variation Study #1 (Not On Audio)
Rhythmic Variation Study #2 (Not On Audio)
Rhythmic Variation Study #3 (Not On Audio)
Riff For Clifford
Romance Of Spain
Rondo Fernando Sor
Saltarello Vincenzo Galilei
Sauget Strut
Second String Study #1
Second String Study #2
She's Gone Away
Sheep May Safely Graze J.S. Bach
Silver Bell
Sinfonia (From Cantata #156) J.S. Bach
Smooth Change
Somethin' For Nothin'
Soppin' The Gravy
Spring Water
Springtime In Dubuque
St. Anne's Reel
St. Clair's Hornpipe
St. Louis Shuffle
Star Of Bethlehem
Steep Canyon Rag
Stone's Rag
Study Carcassi,
Study In Bm Sor
Study In D Sor
Summer Afternoon
Summer Serenade
Sweet Lillie
Swingin' On A Cloud
The Entertainer (Not On Audio) Scott Joplin
Theme For Bird
Theme From 'Winter' Antonio Vivaldi
Third String Study #1 (Not On Audio)
Third String Study #2 (Not On Audio)
Tombigbee River
Trumpet Air Jeremiah Clarke
Turnarounds In C (Not On Audio)
Turnarounds In D
Turnarounds In G (Not On Audio)
Velocity Study #1 (Not On Audio)
Velocity Study #2
Velocity Study #3
Velocity Study #4
Velocity Study (Not On Audio)
Visions Of Madrid
Walkin' Jazz (Not On Audio)
Whiskey Before Breakfast Not On Audio
Witch Of The Wave Reel
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