Lesson 1: Improvising with Rhythms
Tuning note A 440
Play-along: Rhythms on open A, four times each
Q & A: Repeat rhythms, one measure each
Q & A: Answer with different rhythms
Q & A: Repeat rhythms, two measures each
Q & A: Answer with different rhythms
Solo: Twelve-bar rhythm solo, first listen then play your own
Lesson 2: Improvising with Rhythm and Pitch
Play-along: D minor pentatonic scale, one octave, three times
Play-along: Figures on one-octave D minor pentatonic scale
Q &A: Repeat figures, D start note, one measure each
Q &A: Repeat figures, A start note, one measure each
Q & A: Repeat figures, D start note, includes skip, one measure each
Q & A: Repeat figures, any start note, one measure each
Q & A: Answer with improvised figure, one measure each
Q & A: Answer with improvised figure, two measures each
Solo: Example solo by Martin Norgaard
Solo: Empty backup track
Advanced: Adding the Blues Note and Effects
Play-along: D Blues scale, three times
Q & A: Repeat figure
Q & A: Answer figure
Play-along: Listen to the "Blues effects"
Wizard Blues
Play-along: Martin Norgaard and Paul Nelson play all parts and solo
Play-along: Empty backup track
Lesson 3: Using the Entire Scale
Play-along: G major scale in quarters, swing eighths and mixed rhythms
Play-along: G major scale with rhythms from Lesson 1
Play-along: G major scale with two different rhythms
Play-along: G major scale in eighth notes
Play-along: G major scale with improvised rhythms
Play-along: Change direction on the scale using only quarter notes
Play-along: Change direction and improvise rhythms
Play-along: Start on a different note
Play-along: Add repeated notes
Play-along: Add skips
Q & A: Answer with improvised figure, two measures each
Solo: Example solo by Martin Norgaard
Solo: Empty backup track
Advanced: Adding Triplets and Sixteenths
Play-along: G major scale in triplets and rhythms
Q & A: Answer with improvised figure using triplets, two measures each
Sweet Rose
Play-along: Martin Norgaard and Paul Nelson play all parts and solo
Play-along: Empty backup track
Lesson 4: Improvising with One Note Changing
Play-along: Listen to see how B and B-flat fit each chord
Q & A: Repeat rhythms on B and B-flat, one measure each
Q & A: Repeat figures, start on B or B-flat, one measure each
Q & A: Repeat figures, any start note, one measure each
Play-along: E minor pentatonic scale with B changing to B-flat
Q & A: Add rhythms to the scale, four measures each
Q & A: Change direction, four measures each
Q & A: Use different rhythms on Em and C7, four measures each
Solo: Example solo by Martin Norgaard
Solo: Empty backup track
Advanced: Using the Full Register
Play-along: E minor pentatonic scale with B and B-flat in full register
Play-along: Change direction
Q & A: Full register, four measures each
Canta Island
Play-along: Martin Norgaard and Paul Nelson play all parts and solo
Play-along: Empty backup track