Lesson 1: Question and Answer Phrases
(audio track number)
Tuning note A 440
Play-along: The G major scale
Play-along: Scale step numbers
Q & A: Answer starting on the same note
Q & A: Play answer phrases only
Q & A: Play question phrases only
Play-along: Play both question and answer phrases
Play-along: Play an entire solo ending with an
answer phrase
Play-along: Empty back up track using Turnaround
Town solo progression
Lesson 2: Improvising with Rhythm and Pitch
Q & A: Answer in the same register
Play-along: Play an entire solo in various registers
Q & A: Answer with similar note values
Play-along: Play an entire solo with various note
Play-along: Play an entire solo using all story- telling
devices, followed by example
solo by Martin Norgaard
Turnaround Town:
Performance: Martin Norgaard (vln) and Paul
Nelson (vcl) play all parts and solo
Play-along: Empty back up track
Lesson 3: Inner Melodies
Play-along: Inner melody in whole notes
Play-along: Inner melody with rhythms
Play-along: Inner melody with improvised rhythms
Q & A: Inner melody with embellishments
Performance: Example solo by Martin Norgaard
Play-along: Empty back up track using Northern
Light solo progression
Advanced: How did we find the inner melody?
Written exercise: Find new inner melody
Northern Light:
Performance: Martin Norgaard and Paul Nelson play
all parts and solo
Play-along: Empty back up track
Lesson 4: Changing Scales Using Inner Melodies
Play-along: Inner melody in whole notes
Play-along: Inner melody with rhythms
Play-along: The D Mixolydian scale
Play-along: Inner melody on one-measure phrases
Play-along: Improvise one-measure figure and
apply inner melody
Play-along: Copy and improvise two-measure lick
and apply inner melody
Play-along: Four-measure blues phrases
Performance: Example solo by Martin Norgaard
Play-along: Empty back up track using Lazy Note
Blues solo progression
Advanced: How did we find the inner melodies on the
Written exercise: Find new inner melody
Lazy Note Blues:
Play-along: Martin Norgaard and Paul Nelson play
all parts and solo
Play-along: Empty back up track
Lesson 5: Aeolian Minor
Q & A: Latin rhythms
Play-along: The A Aeolian minor scale
Play-along: The A Aeolian minor scale with
Q & A: Repeat or answer phrases
Q & A: Play answer phrases only
Q & A: Play question phrases only
Play-along: Play both question and answer phrases
Performance: Example solo by Martin Norgaard
Play-along: Empty back up track using La Luna
solo progression
La Luna: 5
Play-along: Martin Norgaard and Paul Nelson play
all parts and solo
Play-along: Empty back up track