Blues Keyboard Method, Level 1 (eBook + Online Audio)
An Essential Study of Blues Piano and Organ for the Novice Player
Blues Keyboard Method, Level 1, within the School of the Blues Lesson Series, is an exciting journey into blues piano and organ for the novice player. Book contains: Review of piano and theory basics; two-handed exercises in the 12 bar Blues form; development of musical ideas in the right hand over the 12 Bar Blues Progression; Blues openings, breaks and endings when performing with other musicians; and Blues as it's played on the Hammond organ.

This series ...more
Product Number:
eBook + Online Audio
Skill Level:
Notation Type:
Standard Notation
School of Blues
Mel Bay Publications, Inc.
Date Published:
Blues Keyboard Method, Level 1, within the School of the Blues Lesson Series, is an exciting journey into blues piano and organ for the novice player. Book contains: Review of piano and theory basics; two-handed exercises in the 12 bar Blues form; development of musical ideas in the right hand over the 12 Bar Blues Progression; Blues openings, breaks and endings when performing with other musicians; and Blues as it's played on the Hammond organ.

This series is designed for students of other instruments to play together. If you have friends that play harmonica, guitar, bass or drums, tell them about this series so that you can play together.

Includes access to online audio of all examples (played by author Steve Czarnecki).
Chapter 1 - Music Primer
Understanding Music Notation (Ex. 1.1-1.16)
Understanding Music Theory
Intervals (Ex. 1.17) - Track 1
Scales (Ex. 1.18-20)
Chords (Ex. 1.21-1.32) - Tracks 1-2
Dominant 7th Scales (Ex. 1.33-!.36) - Track 2
Inversions (Ex. 1.37-1.47)
12 Bar Blues Progression (Ex. 1.48-1.49) - Track 3
Chapter 2 - Two-Handed Blues - 12 Bar Music Examples (Ex. 2.1-2.12) - Tracks 4-15
Chapter 3 - Improvising in the Blues
Harmonic Elements - Blues Scales (Ex. 3.1-3.2) - Tracks 16-17
Structural Improvisation (Ex. 3.3-3.14) - Tracks 18-29
Chorus Forms (Ex. 3.15-3.20) - Tracks 30-35
Chapter 4 - Openings, Endings & Breaks
Openings (Ex. 4.1-4.2) - Tracks 36-37
Breaks (Ex. 4.3-4.4) - Tracks 38-39
Endings (Ex. 4.5-4.7) - Tracks 40-42
Chapter 5 - Blues Organ
Typical Drawbar Settings - Tracks 43-56
Organ Music Examples (Ex. 5.1-5.4) - Tracks 57-60
Organ Techniques (Ex. 5.5-5.8) - Track 61
Audio Sample 1
Audio Sample 2
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eBook + Online Audio
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