This book for the Celtic harp encompasses diverse songs and tunes from the British Isles, commonly described as "Celtic Music". This type of music is often associated with the English publisher John Playford. In the 17th century, he published The English Dancing Master, which contains traditional music as well as tunes of his day (up to the Renaissance). Author Monika Mandelartz, a specialist in historical performance practice, follows Playford's tradition by arranging parts of the collection for Celtic harp. Thereby, Mandelartz points out that her arrangements constitute a "snapshot in time". Her work emphasizes the idea that lively music always allows for change and variation - it must in order to survive.
The book includes tunes such as The Duke of Lorraine's March, Nonesuch, Black and Grey, Virgin Queen, I Will Give My Love an Apple, The Scots Rant, Duke of Grafton's March, Kettle Drum, Nobody's Jig, Spanish Jig, Sidh Beag Agus Sidh Mor, She Rose and Let Me In, Oranges and Lemons, and The Scotish Gigg.
The Duke of Lorrain's March
Virgin Queen
Black and Grey
I will Give my Love an Apple
The Scots Rant
Sir Thomas Fairfax's March
Duke of Grafton's March
Kettle Drum
Nobody's Jig
Spanish Jig
Sídh Beag agus Sídh Mór
She Rose and Let me in
Oranges and Lemons
The Scotish Gigg
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