Frank Vignola Walking the Bass Jazz Standard Progressions (eBook)
This book contains ten walking bass lines to ten of the most common chord progressions from jazz standards. These walking bass lines will give you a good basis for what to play and how to outline the chords to provide a good solid walking bass line for soloists to improvise over. I strongly suggest that you memorize these bass lines and try to substitute different notes here and there to alter the tonal colors. Also, play the given arpeggios to better hear the chord you are playing while being aware of the ...more
Product Number:
Skill Level:
Notation Type:
Standard Notation and Tab
Mel Bay Publications, Inc.
Date Published:
This book contains ten walking bass lines to ten of the most common chord progressions from jazz standards. These walking bass lines will give you a good basis for what to play and how to outline the chords to provide a good solid walking bass line for soloists to improvise over. I strongly suggest that you memorize these bass lines and try to substitute different notes here and there to alter the tonal colors. Also, play the given arpeggios to better hear the chord you are playing while being aware of the interval you are playing. Practice these slowly and with chordal accompaniment.
 What’s Up With This Thing Called Love  
Blue Dolphin Street  
Taking the B Train  
Satin Dolls Rule   
Softer Than a Morning Sunrise  
Cherokee Warning   
Scrapple the Green Apples  
Autumn’s Finest Leaves  
I Did Remember April  
So What, Dude  
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Complete Jazz Bass Book

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120 2-bar ii-V Riffs for Bass

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