Complete Fiddling Book (eBook + Online Video)
Contains Over 300 Favorite Fiddle Tunes
Mel Bay's Complete Fiddling Book is a compilation of arrangements of traditional tunes by several outstanding practitioners of the art of fiddle playing: Craig Duncan, Bill Guest, Dave Reiner, Frank Zucco, and Joe Castle. From The Arkansas Traveler to The Yellow Rose of Texas, over 300 colorful fiddle tunes populated this book's 205 pages. Scant on text or historical notes, but long on musical content, the Complete Fiddling Book is a great resource for any fiddler ...more
Product Number:
eBook + Online Video
Skill Level:
Notation Type:
Standard Notation
Mel Bay Publications, Inc.
Date Published:
Mel Bay's Complete Fiddling Book is a compilation of arrangements of traditional tunes by several outstanding practitioners of the art of fiddle playing: Craig Duncan, Bill Guest, Dave Reiner, Frank Zucco, and Joe Castle. From The Arkansas Traveler to The Yellow Rose of Texas, over 300 colorful fiddle tunes populated this book's 205 pages. Scant on text or historical notes, but long on musical content, the Complete Fiddling Book is a great resource for any fiddler or teacher in search of a delightful, toe-tapping repertoire. Although most of the tunes are written for solo fiddle, the last ten pieces are arranged as fiddle duets. A masterful solo collection presenting a vivid assortment of fiddling styles and repertoire.

The online video, fiddler Craig Duncan and guitarist Robert Bowlin perform 34 favorite tunes which are played at a slow and medium tempo to demonstrate many fiddling techniques. Split-screen filming features close-up angles of both the left hand and the bow. This online video is the perfect companion to the Complete Fiddling Book, bringing the teacher right into your living room.

• Compilation of arrangements of traditional tunes
• Over 300 colorful fiddle tunes populate the 205 pages
• Most for solo fiddle, but the last ten pieces are arranged as fiddle duets
• Intermediate to advanced in difficulty
• Split-screen companion online video of 34 tunes performed by Craig Duncan and guitarist Robert Bowlin. Video available to view and download online.
Allie Crocker  
Andy the Dandy 
Angus Campbell  
Anne Murray's Jig 
Anniversary Schottische, The 
Appalachian  Fling  
Ariel, The 
Arkansas Traveler 
Atkins Polka  No.1      
Atkins Polka  No.2
Atkins Polka  No.3 
Atkins Polka No.4
Atkins Polka No.5 
Atlantic Polka  No. 1 , The 
Away Back  
B Is for Bluegrass  
Back  Up and Push , 
Baddeck  Reel    
Ballad  to the Mountain Men, A 
Banks of Newfoundland  
Barn Door Jig, The 
Beaux of Oak Hill   
Becky's Jig 
Bee's Wing, The 
Bell's Favorite  
Belledune Quickstep, The  
Ben Gay 
Big Chief 
Big-Eared Mule , The 
Big John McNeil 
Bill Cheatham 
Billy in the Low Ground 
Billy in the Lowland 
Birch Reel     
Bitter Creek 
Blackberry  Blossom  
Blackberry Quadrille 
Blue Mountain Waltz  
Blue Star Hornpipe, The  
Bonaparte's  Retreat
Bonnie  Doon Schottische 
Bosco Thompson 
Bowin' the Fiddle  
Boys from the West, The 
Break Your Neck  
Broken Chord Jig
Buckwheat  Batter  
Buffalo Girls   
Bumble  Bee in a Hollow Log   
Butcher's Dog, The
Butcher's Row, The 
By the Fire-Side   
By-Gone  Days Waltz  
Cajun Cookin' 
Caledonia Jig 
Cape Breton Jig 
Cape Islander Jig 
Captain Jinks 
Captain White  , 
Carnival, The
Cattle in the Cane 
Centennial Waltz, The 
Chamberlain, The 
Charlie Hunter's Jig 
Charlie Mac 
Chatagee, The 
Chicken in the Hay 
Chicken Polka 
Chicken Reel  
Chicken Scratch  
Chicken Stampede 
Churning Butter 
Coldstream Jig  
Cole Harbour Jig 
Cooley's Reel 
Cotton-Eyed Joe , 
Cowboy's Farewell 
cowboy's Reel, The
Cripple Creek 
Croakin' Frog Jig 
Dashing White Sergeant, The  
Dawn, The  
Day We Paid the Rent, The 
Devil's  Dream, The 
Dominion Reel  
Double Shuffle, The 
Drowsy Maggie   
Dry River, The 
Dumphrie's House, The SO
Durang's Hornpipe,or Wobble Gears 
Dusty Miller  
East Tennessee Blues 
Easy Way, The 
Eighth of January 
Elizabethan Schottische 
Fair-Haired Lassies  
Falling Off a Log SO
Fargo, The 
Farmer, The 
Farmer's Jamboree  
Father Murphy 
Father O'Flynn  
Father's Reel 
Fiddle Head Reel   
Fiddler's Reel, The  
Fiddler's Three 
Fiddler's Two-Step  
Fiddling Phil  
Finger Schottische  
Fire on the Mountain 
First Western Change 
Fisher's Hornpipe 
Flowers of Edinburgh 
Foresters, The 
Forked Deer 
Fourth of July 
Fred Wilson's Clog 
Fundy, The 
Garry Owen 
Georgian  Bay Jig 
Give the Fiddler a Dram 
Goin ' Up the River    
Golden Eagle Hornpipe 
Golden Rooster, The 
Golden Slippers 
Golden Wedding Reel, The 
Goose Feathers  
Grape-Vine Twist 
Green Mountain  Boy 
Greensleeves Jig 
Griffin , The 
Growling Old Man and Old
Woman, The 
Halfpenny Reel, The 
Halifax Harbor Two-Step 
Handsome  Plowboy, The 
Handy Man, The  
Happy Day Hornpipe 
Happy Hollow Hornpipe 
Happy Jack 
Harvest Home 
Harvest Waltz 
Harvey, The  
Haste to the Wedding  , 
Hen Cackle, The 
Hi-Lo Schottische 
High Level, The  
High Reel 
Highland Schottische, The 
Hijacker's Stomp 
Hogs in the Com 
Home with the Girls in the Morning  Honest John  
Honeysuckle Schottische  
Hornless Cow, The 
Hornpipe for Samoyeds 
Hounds in the Hallow 
Huck Finn 
Illinois Cotillion 
Indian Summer 
Irish Stew 
Irish Washerwoman 
Iron Wooden Shovel, The 
Jack Cameron 
Jack Don't 
Jack Wood, The 
Jacket Trimmed  in Blue, The 
Jacques Cartier 
Jamie Hardie 
Janet Beaton 
Jelly Roll Breakdown 
Jerome's Farewell 
Jock Tamson's Hornpipe 
joys of Wedlock  
Keep a Whettin' on  the  Point  
Kesh Jig 
Kiley's Reel 
Kitchen, The 
Knocking  at the Door 
Lady Gardiner's  Reel 
Lamplighter's  Hornpipe  
Larry O  Gaff 
Lauterbach  Waltz 
Lazy Kate 
Leather  Britches 
Leezie Lindsay 
Leventine's  Barrel 
Light House Reel 
Little  Black Moustache  
Little  Brown Jug  Schottische 
Liverpool  Hornpipe 
Log Cabin Waltz 
London  Hornpipe, The  
Londonderry,  The 
Londonderry Air 
Lonesome John 
Long-Eared  Mule, The 
Lost Goose, The 
Lost Indian 
MacDonald's March, The  
MacDougalls, The 
Mackilmoyle,  The 
Major Mackie's Jig 
Mama's  Gone 
Mamasita -    Spanish Waltz 
Maple Leaf  Rag 
Messenger,  The 
Minstrel's  Fancy, The 
Mississippi Sawyer 
Money Musk, The  , 
Month of May Reel 
Moselle Twist 
Mosquito on  the  Iceberg 
Mother's  Reel 
Mouth of the Tobique,  The 
Murphy's  Bird 
New Autumn 
New Brunswick, The 
New Brunswick  Hop, The 
New York  Hornpipe 
Newcastle  Hill 
Nine Miles 
North Shore  
North Star Schottische 
Norwegian,  The 
Nova Scotia, The  
Ocean Waves 
Old Blue 
Old French 
Old Joe Clark 
Old Man  and the Old Woman, The  ,

Old Red  Barn, The 
Old Rose Waltz 
Old Rosin  the Beau 
Old Sport 
Old-Timer's  Hornpipe 
Old Zip Coon,
or Turkey  in the Straw 
On  the Road to  Boston 
Opera  Reel 
Pacific Slope  
Paddy on  the Turnpike 
Paddy Whack 
Parrsboro Stomp o
Parry Sound, The 
Pea Ridge 
Pedestal, The 
Peek-A-Boo Waltz 
Pie and Cal  
Pine  Bud Jig  
Plough  Boy, The  
Polk Salad  
Pop  Corn, The 
Poppy, The  
Pork  and Beans  
Porter's Lake Jig 
Pound That Anvil
Prairie Schottische,  The 
Preacher Roe 
Prince Albert  
Princess Reel 
Quebec, The  
Raccoon's Tail 
Ragtime Annie or Raggedy Ann 
Rambler's  Hornpipe   , 
Red Fox Waltz 
Red-Haired  Boy, The (Little Beggar Man)  
Red Lion Hornpipe 
Red River Valley 
Red River Waltz 
Red Wing  
Reefer's  Hornpipe 
Reilly's Own  
Rickett's Hornpipe 
Ride the Ferry (to  Mountain  Grove)  Rochester Schottische 
Rocky Ground 
Runaway Jig 
Rustic Jig  
Rustlers, The  
Sailor's,  or College  Hornpipe 
Sainte Agathe  
St Clair  
Sally Ann 
Sally Goodin' 
Sally Johnson  
Sarah-Ann Waltz 
Saturday  Night 
Saturday  Night Waltz  
Savior, The   
Say Old  Man  
Scenes from  the  Finland Woods  
Scotland  the  Brave 
Shannon's Fancy 
Shepherd's Wife, The 
Shortnin'  Bread  
Si Bheag, Si Mhor  
Silver  and  Gold Two-Step 
Sir Roger de  Coverly  
Slightly Warm 
Smash the  Window
Snow Shoers, The 
Snyder's Clock 
Soldier's Joy , 
Spanish Waltz    
Speed  the Plough 
Stack of  Barley, The 
Star of the  County Down 
Staten Island 
Stone's Rag 
Stranger at the  Door 
Strathbrook  Schottische 
Sugar in the Gourd,
or Indiana Hoe-Down 
Sweet Brown-Eyed  Girl 
Tableau,  The 
Tableau  Clog,  The 
Teika's  Polka 
Temperance  Reel 
Texas Schottische  
Thunder  Hornpipe  
Tom and Jerry  
Tommy Sullivan 
Two-Day Fling  
Uncle Joe 
Uncle John  
Vinton's Hornpipe 
Virginia  Reel 
Wabash Cannonball  
Wagoner, The , 
Walker Street 
Warm Stuff 
Whalen's  Breakdown  
White Cockade, The  , 
White Mountains,  The 
White River Stomp  
Wild Goose on  the Ocean, The 
Woodchoppers,  The 
Yellow Rose of Texas, The 
Yodeling Fiddle, The 
Yonder She Goes 
Series: Complete
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