Complete Fingerstyle Jazz Guitar (eBook + Online Audio)
This book is complete in the sense that there is something for everyone: beginners, intermediate players and professionals. Along with learning the basics, this book teaches fingerstyle guitar players to play two-string harmonies, accompaniment styles and much more. Alan De Mause has filled the companion online audio to capacity with 90 examples of music from his landmark text. The recording features nylon-string guitar throughout in both solo and midi-accompanied settings. ...more
Product Number:
eBook + Online Audio
Skill Level:
Multiple Levels
Notation Type:
Standard Notation
Mel Bay Publications, Inc.
Date Published:
This book is complete in the sense that there is something for everyone: beginners, intermediate players and professionals. Along with learning the basics, this book teaches fingerstyle guitar players to play two-string harmonies, accompaniment styles and much more. Alan De Mause has filled the companion online audio to capacity with 90 examples of music from his landmark text. The recording features nylon-string guitar throughout in both solo and midi-accompanied settings. A full range of jazz guitar stylings is offered, starting from square one and proceeding through advanced fingerstyle solo material. Includes access to online audio.
Complete Fingerstyle Jazz Guitar

Guitars, hand positions, fingerstye strokes

Learning the Blues: fretted notes, rests

Rhythming around

The flow of jazz: eighth notes

 preparing to create a fingerstyle jazz solo

Accompanying yourself

 Oom-pah power

Marking major and minor

Accompanying with arpeggios

Harmonizing a melody with a third below

Harmonizing with tenths

Harmonizing with sixths

 Harmonic background

Self accompanying

Capable accompanist accoutrements

Expressive devices of jazz

Pedaling the cycle of fifths

 Intros, endings, turnarounds, tags and modulations

Fun jazz 

Audio Sample
Series: Complete
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eBook + Online Audio
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