Introduction to Basic Form Major/Minor Chords and Scales
Root Position Major and Minor Chords
Basic Form Two Octave Major and Harmonic MInor Scales
Major and Minor Triad Inversions
Inversions of Root Position Major and Minor Chords for Rhythm or Accompaniment
Major and MInor Arpeggios Studies
Basic Form Major Sixth Chords
Root Poistion INversions of the Major Sixth Chords
Alteration of the Major Sixth Chords
Minor Sixth Chords
Root Position Inversions of the MInor Sixth Chords
Upper Structure Inversions of the Minor Sixth/Dominant with Chords
Introduction to the Seventh Chords
Basic Form Dominant Seventh Chords
Root Inversions of the Dominant Seventh Chords
Upper Structure Inversions of the Dominant Seventh Chords
Alterations of the Dominant Seventh Chords
Augmented Seventh Chords
Basic Form Minor Seventh Chords
MInor Seventh (Major Sixt) Inversions
Alterations of the Minor Seventh Chords
Major Seventh Chords
Major Seventh to Major Sixth Resolutions
Alterations of the Major Seventh Chords
Minor Natural Seven Chords
Resolutions Exercises for the Minor Natural Seven Chords
Part Two
Introduction to Part Two
The Augmented Chord
The Augmented Arpeggio Studies
The Audmented Scales
Application of the Augmented Arpeggios and Scales
The Diminished Seventh Chord
The DIminshed Arpeggio Studies
The Diminshed Scale Studies
The Half Dimished Chord
The Chromatic Scale Studies
The Major Add Nine Chords
The Major Six-Nine Chords
The Minor Six-Nine Chords
The Dominant Ninth Chords
Root Invesions of the Dominant Ninth Chord
The Augmented Ninth Chords
The Numerical Sustem of Transposition
Root Invesions of the Augmented Ninth Chords
Alterations of the Dominant Ninth Chords
The Seven Flat Nine Chords
Root Inversions of the Seven Flat Nine Chords
Thre Dominant Ninth Flat Five Chords
The Seven Flat Nine Flat Five Chords
THe Augmented Seven Flat Nine Chords
Root Inversions of the Augmented Seven Flat Nine Chords
The Seven Raised Nine Chords
Inverting the Seven Raised Nine Chords
The Augmented Seven Raised Nine Chords
The Minor Ninth Chords
Root Inversions of the Minor Ninth Chords
The Major Ninth Chords
Root Inversions of the Major Ninth Chords
Utilization of the Upper Structure of the Major Ninth Chord
The Minor Nine Natural Seven Chords
The Suspended Fourth CHords (Major and Minor)
The Dominant Seventh (Sus 4) Chords
The Minor Seventh (Sus 4) Chords
The Dominant Ninth (Sus 4) Chords
Voicing the Major and Minor Chords with a Fourth Step (Eleventh) Melody
The Eleventh and Minor Eleventh Chords
Alterations of the Eleventh Chords
The Thirteenth Chords
Alterations of the Thirteenth Chords
The Minor Thirteenth Chords