Guitarist/composer Pablo Pescatore was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina in December 1974. He began his musical studies at 14, specializing in electric guitar technique as applied to hard rock and neoclassical metal styles.
Pablo was admitted to the prestigious jazz school, The Academia E.F.I.M.U.S. [School for the Comprehensive Training of Musicians] where for seven years he studied classic guitar, music theory, and harmony with outstanding teachers. He completed his degree requirements and attended clinics and masterclasses on various instruments; he graduated with high honors, obtaining the diploma of "Professor of Guitar, Music Theory and Solfege," personally awarded by his professors, Hector Lopez Furst and Julio Rocella.
In addition to performing in different bands and completing various solo projects, Pablo is a published author on the subject of learning styles and has taught the classical and electric guitar for more than 20 years.