Jiayi He, a world-class harmonica virtuoso, has received numerous awards in international festivals and competitions in England, Germany, Israel, Japan, and the United States. He has served as a member of the judging committees in the Asia-Pacifc Harmonica Competitions held in Taiwan, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Hangzhou, Korea, and Singapore. Jiayi has appeared as a soloist with orchestras worldwide. He has appeared on TV stations including NBC, New 12 Long Island, Queens Public Television, Sinovison, and Sino Television. Jiayi has recorded harmonica music for several movies and radio stations in addition to his compact discs. Jiayi has been a soloist at Carnegie Hall, Lincoln Center, Shea Stadium, General Assembly Hall at United Nations, and other premier venues. Former New York City Mayor Bloomberg attended his harmonica seminar held at the "Harmonica Mass Appeal 2012". Jiayi currently serves on the harmonica faculty of the Turtle Bay Music School in New York City. Jiayi has been teaching these remarkable solo harmonica arrangements at the Turtle Bay Music School since 2002.