Ted Eschliman graduated from the University of Nebraska in 1980 with a Bachelor of Music in Education as a trombone major, where he also taught undergraduate music theory. A part-time arranger, he discovered his love for the studio in the 90s, writing and producing three solo albums, as well as dabbling in copywriting and freelance studio singing for a local jingle company. Despite his full-time commitments as part owner and marketing director of a Nebraska retail music store chain, Dietze Music, he continued to perform jingles and write instrumental music beds for local radio stations, as well as co-write music for area Contemporary Christian artists in his spare time. A self-professed "hack" multi- instrumentalist, Eschliman developed his jazz chops as keyboardist/manager of a local jazz quartet. In 1998, enchanted by the perfect symmetry and jazz potential of his first mandolin, it became a permanent passion to translate his knowledge of jazz and music theory to its fretboard. March of 2003 was the premier of his popular website, jazzmando.com, a journal of these discoveries for other aspiring jazz mandolinists.