Born in 1954 in Kansas City, Mark Biggs first began to play the Mountain Dulcimer in 1979 when he and a friend found a job playing music for free room and board in a small Greek restaurant on the south side of Crete. He's come a long way from those early "ad-lib" days, winning many listener's ears and a growing national reputation along the way. The author of two books, THE MOUNTAIN DULCIMER (Mel Bay Publications) and the SEASON OF THE DREAM SONGBOOK, he has also recorded two record albums, NOT LICKED YET (Centennial Records-1981), and SEASON OF THE DREAM (Kicking Mule Records-221). Besides writing and recording for the dulcimer, he has taught hundreds of students around the Midwest: at workshops, at the Old Town School of Folk Music in Chicago, and through the Continuing Education Departments at Southwest Missouri State University and Drury College in Springfield, Mo. near where he currently makes his home on Table Rock Lake. Mark has played and demonstrated the dulcimer to hundreds of thousands of people at Silver Dollar City (an 1880s theme park in S.W. Mo.) where he has worked for the past five years. When the season closes down for the winter, he can be heard in concert throughout the Midwest. If the opportunity arises, don't pass up the chance to hear his uniquely personal blend of traditional, jazz, and original dulcimer music.