Method for Diatonic and Chromatic Harmonica (Book/CD Set)
The ideal tool for harmonica beginners in any style, from Blues to Country, Rock or Jazz: A book with clear explanations about the instrument, how to choose it, hold it, blow and draw easily, bends, the vibratos, tongue blocking and octaves, positions, playing in rhythm and even a lexis about the most usual terms used on the planet harmonica.

A CD with numerous exercises and slowed down versions, melodies in different positions, scales descriptions and rhythm tracks to play along. Author J.J.Milteau ...more
Product Number:
Book/CD Set
Skill Level:
Saddle Stitched
8.75 x 11.75
Mel Bay Publications, Inc.
Date Published:
The ideal tool for harmonica beginners in any style, from Blues to Country, Rock or Jazz: A book with clear explanations about the instrument, how to choose it, hold it, blow and draw easily, bends, the vibratos, tongue blocking and octaves, positions, playing in rhythm and even a lexis about the most usual terms used on the planet harmonica.

A CD with numerous exercises and slowed down versions, melodies in different positions, scales descriptions and rhythm tracks to play along. Author J.J.Milteau is one of the greatest harmonica blowers in Europe. He has been playing with the most interesting artists for thirty years and received numerous awards and rave reviews in the European press for several successful albums. In English and Spanish.
01) Types of Harmonicas - Tipoes de armónica      
02) How does the Harmonica work? - ¿Cómo funciona tu armónica?      
03) Where do we begin? - ¿Por dónde empezar?      
04) "Bending" - "Bending" (Alteración)      
05) A Little Theory - Un poco de teoría      
06) Diatonic Harmonicas - Las armónica diatónicas      
07) The Cromatic Harmonica - La armónica cromática      
08) Oh Suzanna - O Suzanna      
09) When the Saints Go Marching In      
10) Amazing Grace      
11) Joshua Fought the Battle of Jericho      
12) House of the Rising Sun      
13) A Few Useful Scales - Algunas escalas útiles      
14) Taking Care of Your Harmonica - Cuida tu armónica      
15) A Brief Glossary for the Harmonica Player - Perqueño léxico del armonicista      
Method for Diatonic and Chromatic Harmonica - Mp3 file
Method for Diatonic and Chromatic Harmonica - Mp3 file
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Book/CD Set
$ 14.95
Harmonica Songbook

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Format : Book
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Format : eBook + Online Audio